Sentences with phrase «classified material after»

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The committee posted the 10 - page document Saturday after weeks of wrangling between the panel's top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff, and Justice Department officials over the contours of classified material he hoped to release.
The tensions between India, and China and India and Pakistan, are nowhere near the tensions between Russia and the US, especially after US officials have accused the Russian government of meddling in the 2016 US Presidential election, and after DHS has banned the use Kaspersky products on government computers, accusing the Russian AV vendor of working with Russian intelligence to steal classified materials.
That the material had to be classified after the fact is immaterial; it contained information that by doctrine should have been properly controlled and segregated from the general service information system.
It was indefensible for her to continue claiming there wasn't classified material on the email server, after a preponderance of emails had to be classified because of the material they contained.
Experience includes after hour support for classified material and communications.
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