Sentences with phrase «classless society»

A classless society refers to a society where there are no distinct social classes or hierarchy based on wealth, occupation, or power. In this kind of society, everyone is considered equal and has equal opportunities and rights. Full definition
So they opt out entirely from the large institutions of society and go off and live in classless societies of their own making.
Love is not realizable until the social alienation of human beings in a class society is overcome and classless society emerges, for which, of course, the ethics of power - politics of class - struggle with its denials of love is to be followed.
The Kantian kingdom of ends, each member assigned by the state its proper place and fully consenting to the role defined by that place; the Marxian classless society, each member without benefit of state supervision making anew each day the place that best serves its needs and exercises its abilities.
Camus» objection to any future goal to judge the present, whether a Christian's hope for immortality or a Marxist's dream of a future classless society, is that it leads to an «ideal of the spirit» that fails to appreciate the temporal enjoyment of bodily existence.
Communism teaches that the way to peace is to make everything so equal that no one would have any reason to envy anyone else, and the perfect classless society would result, but Christianity does not concur in that assessment.
In a step towards a dreamy classless society perhaps, and another towards greater transparency, the Cabinet Office today published its report on social mobility.
He is currently included in Classless Society at the Tang Museum.
In fact Marx would say that just as selfishness is natural in class - society, love will be natural in classless society.
He clearly sees a role for Marxism, which, he thinks, has enriched the myth of Golden Age found in many religious traditions by working towards building a classless society.
One is a lack of belief in gods, the other is an economic and social ideology that promotes a classless society based on public ownership of the means of production.
In sum: for Marx, consciousness, subjectivity, ideal aims (e.g., the classless society) are fully as important as are the persuasive agencies for Whitehead and, vice versa, for Whitehead the senseless agencies are fully as important as are the economic conditions for Marx.
Although Marxist theory teaches the establishment of a classless society through the expropriation of the bourgeoisie and the dictatorship of the proletariat, in actual practice the self - styled «Peoples» Democracies» contain well - defined new classes.
It is being recognized a little more readily today by at least some Marxists and some Christians, that the Communist concern for the welfare of the whole human society, including in particular that of the worker, and the Communist hope for a renewed world with a classless society, find their roots in the Judeo - Christian heritage, and especially the new - world - hope of the prophets of Israel.
Are we a classless society, and if so, in what sense or senses?
On the other hand, communists assert that both capitalism and private ownership of the means of production must be done away with as soon as possible in order to make sure a classless society.
Hitler promised the thousand year Reich, the Marxists believe in the inevitability of the classless society, Democrats proclaim the century of the common man.
Socialism's goal of a classless society does not mean a society without roots, without loyalties, traditions, faith.
As in the case of the Marxist vision of a classless society, if its coming is inevitable, why must we work for it?
Karl Marx hailed the coming of the classless society.
He specifies several different «ways of being inactive»: the inactivity of «the conservative believer in things as they are,» the inactivity of «the pessimist who watches a world go to pieces,» and the inactivity of the communists who see current struggles as convolutions preceding the ultimate establishment of a classless society.
Hartshorne consequently raises the following question regarding the aim of life: «Be the aim Nirvana, the Classless Society, the Welfare State, Self - Realization, the query is never silenced, what good is it, from the cosmic and everlasting perspective, that one or other or all of these aims be attained for a time on this ball of rock?»
It appears to no traditional laws or forms of government but rather to its own concocted Law of Nature (survival of the fittest, master race) or Law of History (a classless society and that one class the proletariat).
In the United States and Canada we live with the myth of the «classless society
The ideal of a socialist society and the hope for a classless society are used to cover continued exploitation, and the hope for a classless society becomes the opium for the people.
The postmodern world is then that of the classless society.
But once the proletariat is fully established it develops into a classless society in which these liberties and more are enjoyed by all.
Communism looked to the imminent coming of the classless society and Nazism was committed to the achievement of the pure Aryan race.
2) One of the oldest ambitions of the Labour movement is the classless society (or at least a society in which there is a less immediate division between people of different socio - economic backgrounds).
Are classless societies and religion mutually exclusive?
Adding to the requirement of a stateless and classless society - in order to have communism, you must also abolish value itself.
For Crosland, writing in the midst of postwar prosperity, the seemingly reachable goal was a classless society.
They see the notion of a classless society in which all are equal is fundamentally broken as a concept.
«Whatever happened to the Conservative Party of John Major who at least felt obliged to promise voters a «Classless Society»?
There will be a type of law, there will not be much more freedom than there exists under capitalism, unlike what will be the case in communism - the stateless, classless society.
We are a long distance from being a classless society
The laudable quests for a classless society and wider accessibility of higher education offer one answer.
Even though inequality has lately come to the fore as a public issue, two widely held American beliefs persist — first, that the U.S. is largely a classless society and, second, that people shed or discard the vestiges of their social class roots when they achieve upward mobility.
Garnett and Cain grapple with the deepest issues of noir — for example, upending the myth that America is a classless society.
Evidently the only solution is a classless society.
This led to an explosion in wealth & living standards, which got shared» round pretty equally for the next few decades — thereby cementing the myth of a classless society, the idea all Americans are middle class.
Mindful of the need for the fine arts of patronage since it tends to receive its support from an economic elite - which Greenberg feared was disappearing - he prophetically predicted a classless society brought about by the coming age of industrialization and a broad leisure class.
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