Sentences with phrase «classroom model remains»

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Walking the walk: Allowing administrators to remain, for at least one or two periods, in the classroom is a model many wish could be adopted more often.
Under the inclusive model now in place, all students remain full - time members of one classroom community.
For the 2015 - 2016 school year the reading specialists remain in the schools and have been modeling strategies for teachers and working with students in the classroom as a transition to next year.
The remaining sections will present the iQUEST Professional Development Model and insights into the types of classroom activities that have engaged students in formal settings.
The job of «teacher» in most schools today remains centered on full - time classroom responsibilities that are defined by the location, timing, and schedule of the school day and a one - teacher - per - classroom model.
More specifically, the district and its teachers are not coming to an agreement about how they should be evaluated, rightfully because teachers understand better than most (even some VAM researchers) that these models are grossly imperfect, largely biased by the types of students non-randomly assigned to their classrooms and schools, highly unstable (i.e., grossly fluctuating from one year to the next when they should remain more or less consistent over time, if reliable), invalid (i.e., they do not have face validity in that they often contradict other valid measures of teacher effectiveness), and the like.
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