Sentences with phrase «classroom policies»

They might make classroom policies something students can discuss.
What classroom policies or rules do students need to feel emotionally safe?
What new classroom policies could you implement to manage this?
Create short videos that explicitly explain classroom policies and procedures.
When making classroom policies, rules, or guidelines, it's essential to be able to answer the question: what's the bottom line?
Teachers rated their self - efficacy in handling bullying situations and the extent of anti-bullying classroom policies.
«Albany needs more classroom teachers shaping classroom policy and ending overreliance on standardized tests.»
In contrast, our study directly measures the effect of a common classroom policy decision (that is, to allow computers or not) by comparing classrooms that permit computers to classrooms that prohibit computers.
In order for students to feel a part of the group, I advice teachers to enlist students of all ages to help form classroom policy from the start.
Our book offers tips for teachers who want to make small but powerful changes to their own classroom policies, such as changes to the kind of homework assigned and how much it is worth, test correction and revision policies, incorporating more real - world, project - based learning and authentic assessments, and how to foster more positive teacher - student relationships.
Change classroom policies for learning recognition and progression that take into account varying speeds of learner competency Example: A teacher removes the weekly summative assessment on the same standard for all learners, and she implements a new system with flexibility — but with set expectations — around when learners demonstrate competency.
Anti-bullying programs should continue to promote teachers» involvement, as well as the enforcement of anti-bullying classroom policies, in order to diminish peer victimization and its related consequences.
Since it was clear that parents supported a healthier school environment, the school also adopted a no candy in the classroom policy.
(And as a parent, don't forget to talk with your child's teacher about any classroom policies they might have regarding bullying.)
Go over: standards, expectations, classroom policies, testing dates, communication with parents, syllabus, timelines, etc...
Encourage prompt arrival with a classroom policy, instill preparedness using a grading system, and acknowledge student success with a yardstick and clothespins.
Without a rich repository of data to draw from (such as those maintained by research consortia in cities such as Chicago and New York), DC will not be in a strong position to assess the relative effectiveness of different community, school, and classroom policies and practices.
While teachers can not control student behavior, they can respond with consistency when enforcing school and classroom policies.
Other school characteristics associated with better student achievement included: more time spent on English instruction; teacher pay plans that were based on teachers» effectiveness at improving student achievement, principals» evaluations, or whether teachers took on additional duties, rather than traditional pay scales; an emphasis on academics in schools» mission statements; and a classroom policy of punishing or rewarding the smallest of student infractions.
Serving as a sounding board and assisting teachers as they create lessons and classroom policies.
By opening up her classroom policies and procedures to debate, Maura made herself vulnerable.
Summarized in this section is evidence to suggest that at least eight areas of classroom policies and practices warrant the attention of leaders aiming to improve student learning.
Here are a few examples of the types of things that you can put into your classroom policies and procedures handbook.
Present subject matter and materials that have been prepared by teachers for students ranging from 9 - 12th grade in all subjects Enforce administration and classroom policies and rules for students while maintaining a positive atmosphere Record student attendance.
They are then asked to reflect on if these groups also face these same or different challenges within the school and classroom (including in terms of their ability to participate in all school activities, social exclusion and bullying) and develop steps for addressing this (for example re-designing activities to ensure they are inclusive, putting in place school or classroom policies, and educating other students about respect for difference).
In contrast, for victimized youth with teachers who perceive themselves as effective or in classrooms where anti-bullying classroom policies were strongly enforced, genetic disposition for anxiety was not associated with actual anxiety symptoms.
It is unclear, however, whether protective features of the school environment such as anti-bullying classroom policies and teacher's perceived self - efficacy in handling bullying situations can mitigate these negative outcomes.
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