Sentences with phrase «clay forms»

He stars in it in clay form, and his voice makes a few guest appearances too.
Participants begin with a basic clay form and end with a unique, expressive piece.
Inside these primitive shells, 3D - printed clay forms were baking.
Bentonite clay is simply a mineral - rich clay formed from weathered volcanic ash.
Soluble elements are carried off by water, and different aluminum - rich clays form.
wurm sits, punches, crushes and drives across the original clay forms prior to casting image © designboom
wurm sits, punches, crushes and drives across the original clay forms prior to casting, leaving permanent marks on their final figure.
On Earth, clay forms by weathering of mineral grains chemically attacked by water.
Each consists of a bulbous, usually hollow clay form, often with protruding feelers or orifices, spanning a fantastically diverse range of textured surface treatments.
Displaying a similar interest in process and the development of mateiral and inspiraiton into artwork, the Brooklyn - based Wine brings aspects of everyday life and the studio into his delicately and sometimes deceptively finished clay forms.
Central to both the artists» practices and lifestyles, an emphasis on the integrity of natural objects and processes drives this presentation of anthropomorphic clay forms; asymmetrical vessels; and singed, crackling, glazed surfaces.
Appropriately, it would be at another state fair, in 1961, when Arneson transformed the nature of ceramics from the decorative and the function into the sculptural: «The liberating act was the closing of a thrown clay form in the shape of a soda bottle with a cap on which he marked No Return, and indeed, it was a point of no return.
Here Bickerton incorporates fiberglass molds cast from heavily modeled clay forms, and affixes photographs of the surface of the paintings themselves.
While participating in the program, she discovered a passion for ceramics and successfully translated her figures into 3D clay forms.
Suspended knot braces become the support for sculptural clay forms, which are reminiscent of the body.
Ceramic explorations also include performance as the subject, making clay forms through the live performance to extract new autonomous sculptural works.
Rachel Harrison's visceral sausage - laden cart entitled © 2004 Hasbro Inc. (2015) and Arlene Shechet's bulbous clay forms in Above and Beyond (2015) seem to expand from inside themselves, moving from form to formlessness, erasing their familiar elements in their own articulation.
Henry Takemoto's (b. 1930) early works, often large, rugged, fired clay forms, were overlaid with patterns and organic shapes referencing traditional Asian ornamentation.
Not only do they often represent unbalanced poses, but the sculptures themselves are also unbalanced: their original wax or clay forms required external as well as internal armatures to keep them upright.
Clays form from the interaction of water with rock.
But Muller says the new 9 - 3 sedan is still in clay form.
When mixed with water, clay forms a temporary colloidal system in which fine particles are dispersed throughout the water.
The clay forms a solid mass in the cat's digestive tract, causing dehydration and malnutrition and eventually leading to death.
I tried the clay form of Arm & Hammer, hoping it was a good litter — alas, the colored crystals in it, I assume the odor control, would turn the white fur on the paws on my cats GREEN.
Images are inserted directly into the clay forms, accentuating the materiality of the printed image and their ability to transform, by illusion, into three - dimensional form.
The bold surfaces of Smit's paintings are echoed in the clay form, which he uses to create bronze and resin portraiture sculptures.
Many of these clay forms feature flat planes marked with transferred drawings, situating them in an interstitial territory between sculpture and sketch.
The embroideries are highly developed and intricately woven together, while the clay forms are convoluted with female figures on top of one another, showing movement and rawness.
Though from Voulkos he learned a freedom of expression in clay form, he would later reject his teacher's penchant for big and brawny sculpture in favor of small, fierce pieces.
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