Sentences with phrase «clean container»

Female dogs — As your dog begins to squat, slide a clean aluminum pie plate beneath her to catch the urine then transfer to clean container with a lid.
The only slight drawback is that the cone shape makes cleaning the container a bit awkward, especially if you're working in a smaller bathroom sink.
If the dishes were not done that day, you can pull out a new clean container.
Therefore, express it into a perfectly clean container (jar, cup, bowl) that you can close tightly afterwards and put into the fridge.
Please bring a list of the medications that your pet takes and, if possible, bring a small one inch portion of bowel movement and a urine sample in separate clean containers.
My roommate then has to not only change the bedding and clean the container often, but give him a bath too.
However, if you take care to clean your container thoroughly and not leave it too long, it shouldn't be a problem.
Drink only beverages in factory - sealed containers and if you can't pour it into a clean glass, clean the container carefully around the rim where you will drink.
Add Orangeflower water and vodka, store in clean container, and keep refrigerated.
Use clean containers, keep your hands clean, and store in smaller rather than larger increments so you waste the least amount of milk.
The first time I thought perhaps I didn't clean my container well enough, so I washed it, wiped out with a bleach wipe, and washed again.
«The data show continued due diligence on the part of individual manufacturers and the corrugated industry to mitigate potential sources of contamination and provide clean containers,» said Dennis Colley, executive director of the Corrugated Packaging Alliance.
Before we get started, make sure you have some way of labeling your natural homemade cleaner containers right away — a Sharpie does just fine.
When done vacuuming, empty vacuum bags or clean containers immediately and dispose waste in an outdoor garbage, as eggs can hatch within the vacuum waste and reinfect your home.
Over one billion plastic cleaning containers go into landfill each year, according to the Canadian eco-cleaning company Planet People.
- a welcome package would set you apart also (less then $ 10 at dollar tree supplies: toilet paper roll, cleaning paper roll, toilet plunger, cleaning brush, cheap shower liner, soap dispenser, all - purpose cleaner container, couple garbage bags) + box / pack of water bottles in the fridge
Place cooked and ready to eat fish in clean containers, never use the original unwashed utensils.
Pour into clean container (s), secure lid (s), and place in yogurt maker.
Use clean containers and pumping equipment that have been washed in hot, soapy water and rinsed thoroughly.
Once a week, empty and clean any containers that could hold water.
Pour the mixture through a strainer into a clean container (a glass measuring cup with a spout works well for easy pouring).
Make sure you clean the containers before filling them!
Its great ♥ Get yourself a clean container for storing your personalized bronzer mix.
Store in a clean container and keep refrigerated.
Find a bucket or any clean container that you can bring to a grocery store that has a water machine.
Pour the liquid ganache into a clean container and then refrigerate it overnight.
Transfer to the clean container and cover.
You can stir it in or blend again in a clean container.
Store in the fridge in a clean container, filled with olive oil, for up to a week.
Carefully take the malai with a spoon and collect it in a clean container else you can use a strainer to take the malai.
Transfer to a clean container and refrigerate overnight.
Place the cabbage in a clean container, pour the hot liquid over it, let it cool, then cover it.
Transfer the curd to a clean container and cover by laying a sheet of plastic wrap directly on the surface of the curd, pressing the plastic gently to remove trapped air bubbles; cool to room temperature, then refrigerate.
Let the reduced liquid come to room temperature and then transfer to a clean container and store in the fridge — once chilled aquafaba will turn gelatinous and resemble an egg white.
Get at least veterinary grade DMSO and dilute it to a 60 % to 65 % solution with distilled water in a clean container
After your pump parts have completely air - dried, store them in a clean container (such as a Ziploc bag or a Tupperware container).
I love that these come in a set of four, so I always have a clean container to grab.
For best results, we recommend using a baby bottle brush or other similar small brush, to clean the container and a baby nipple brush to clean the insides of the breast flange.
Are they actually washing the parts safely, are they washing their hands before handling the milk, are they putting it in clean containers, are they storing it in the refrigerator or the freezer safely?
Rather than just flushing waste away, you remove the center container, dump the contents in the regular toilet, and clean the container.
If you can, save this tissue in a clean container.
Expressed breast milk should be kept in a clean container, such as a glass bottle or milk bags for breast milk, with the date marked on it.
When collecting milk, be sure to store it in clean containers, such as screw cap bottles, hard plastic cups with tight caps, or heavy - duty bags that fit directly into nursery bottles.
It is also important that you have cleaned the containers in hot soapy water and that they are well rinsed.
Instead hand express a teaspoon of breast milk into a clean container, add 4 drops of Colief, feed to baby on a sterilized spoon, and continue nursing as normal.
Boogie is now collected in an easy to clean container.
Collect milk in a clean container.
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