Sentences with phrase «cleaned several times a day»

The MMC is our internal housekeeper that clears excess bacteria, and we want it to clean several times a day in order to prevent inflammation and gut conditions like SIBO.
The newly refurbished showers and toilets are located centrally and are cleaned several times a day.
I can clean them several times a day and you can't even tell sometimes!

Not exact matches

It was a focal point for many during the aftermath, rescue and clean - up workers often meeting there several times a day for prayers.
I clean every day, I pick up stuff around the house several times a day and try to keep the kitchen neat.
You can remedy this by letting her go dry, clean and diaperless several times a day after a rash appears.
Given that you are probably going to use the chair several times in a day, ease of cleaning is something that you ought to consider.
So, my daughter can urinate on the potty, but we finally started using pull - ups because I just couldn't clean up poopy underwear several times a day.
We have purchased over 8 of these now for Childcare centre use and they get used several times a day everyday we love nearly everything about them only small thing is - Straps can be a bit hard to adjust (Wouldn't matter as much in a home setting)- To get the straps out to wash is a mission (Again doesn't matter in a home setting) It's very easy to clean, sturdy, you can buy new straps!
Medela recommends that you should always clean your Medela breast pump tubing at least once a day if you do pump several times in a day.
If you are going to be pumping several times a day it may be beneficial to invest in an extra set of pump parts so you can have a clean set each time you pump and wash them all at the end of the day.
I have to take medication several times per day — does taking a pill prevent the cleansing wave actions from occurring?
I use cleansing wipes several times a day in my beauty routine.
Use directly after cleansing to prep skin for Priming Moisturizer and several times throughout the day, as often as desired.
We only have 3 more events of the season, we used our shower for the first time on the 23rd, the paint is one the wall, all the dust has been cleaned from every surface on the house, we actually made a meal in our kitchen on Christmas Day & put our feet up to enjoy a glass of wine (ok, several, hehehehe) in our cozy living room.
Several times a day they will have access to clean running water (dripping quickly) from the bathtub.
For the most part, this little Yorkie will require a great deal of TLC and simply cleaning the wound to her head several times a day.
The bowl must be checked, cleaned and replenished several times per day (as necessary).
To care for a miniature schnauzer puppy, provide it with high quality food several times a day and fresh, clean water all day.
Time also adds up, time to clean the whelping box several times a day, socialize the puppies, talk to potential buyers and contact their references, and visit the vet clinic for initial vaccinations or emergency trips with Mom or pTime also adds up, time to clean the whelping box several times a day, socialize the puppies, talk to potential buyers and contact their references, and visit the vet clinic for initial vaccinations or emergency trips with Mom or ptime to clean the whelping box several times a day, socialize the puppies, talk to potential buyers and contact their references, and visit the vet clinic for initial vaccinations or emergency trips with Mom or pups.
I am sending my husband a copy of your article, I clean the litter boxes several times a day but I travel and he does not clean them as often as I would like.
A quick rinse and refill several times a day will keep the bowl clean and your rabbit happy.
French bulldogs should drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight daily, and of course have fresh, clean water available several times per day.
Change the water several times a day: if it is not fresh or clean, your kitten will not drink it.
We meticulously clean our spacious, climate - controlled pet runs several times per day.
I work from my home so I am meticulous about cleaning the litter boxes several times a day.
Your veterinarian may recommend short - term symptomatic treatment for the inflammation, such as application of warm compresses for 5 - 15 minutes several times per day, and removal of any discharges using sterile saline eye drops or a commercial eye cleansing agent.
Hot compresses applied to the incision site multiple times in a day for several days after surgery will help to keep the anus clean.
I worked at the kennel, doing administrative work like booking appointments and filing, but also bathing dogs (she also offered grooming services), helping to clean runs, and feeding and watering the boarders several times a day.
Its blatantly unreasonable and is taking breeders away from mor eimportant chores they can be doing while the dogs are chasing each other around thier play yard, off leash @@ The chores I have are astronimical... cleaning is something done several times a day.
It is asking quite a lot, then, to provide a single litter box in a home with several cats, to fill it with litter that is unpleasant to step into, clean it only infrequently, and expect cats to use it several times daily, day after day.
We did observe several times one person cleaning up the trash and leaving big bags along the beach which were picked up a few days later after the beach was completely littered again.
We serve as part of the family stay here 2 times, but stay for several days because like here, the room is clean, quiet, close to the department store.
Our housekeepers clean the dorms and bathrooms daily with all beds made with fresh quality linen and the kitchen is cleaned several times throughout the day to ensure you always have a clean cooking environment.
What is key is that we understand that in a highly mobile and autonomous post-industrial society, we need to find easy ways for people to find connection and relationship with other people whom they may never have met, the literal equivalent of the evangelical service that is conducted several times every day, where people can come and go as they want, with child care and dry cleaning and whatever else liberals need to integrate that kind of regular activity into their everyday lives, and then we need to find ways to deepen those ties and connections, in ways that support and affirm secular values and personal autonomy.
Over a couple of weeks of consistent, multiple - times - per - day cleaning sessions with several bots, we found that the functionally identical Eufy RoboVac 11 finished cycles with a mostly empty bin, while our upgrade pick consistently collected noticeable amounts of hair and dust.
Cleaned grounds by performing raking and sweeping duties several times in a day • Performed preventative maintenance on golf courses and equipment used to maintain them • Applied fertilizers and pesticides in a bid to help plants and trees grow and to save them from potential harm • Shaped the golf area according to specification provided in blueprints by performing detailed gardening and grounds - keeping work
For example, if girls in a village don't have to hike several miles each day in search of clean water, they can spend time in school, learning to read and write.
I clean my kitchen several times a day in order to keep it tidy.
It would save me cleaning dirty little fingerprints off the cabinet several times a day!
One time we hosted a big graduation open house for my daughter and I spent several days shopping, cooking and, of course, cleaning.
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