Sentences with phrase «clear about the behaviors»

Be clear about the behaviors you wish everyone to avoid and the consequences that will be enacted.
Be clear about the behaviors you wish to see more of.
At the same time, be clear about behaviors that are not acceptable to you; if your friend behaves with verbal or physical agression, it may be better for you to end the friendship.

Not exact matches

But I rolled out a pretty strong diatribe about ethical behavior in businesses and made it clear I wouldn't invest in somebody who thought this way about customers.
Arrow and Debreu were able to show the existence of an equilibrium between supply and demand in a free, competitive economy — but they also made clear that this could only exist if a given set of assumptions about the economy and consumer behavior were true.
Behavior science expert James Clear shares the biggest lesson he's learned about habit formation that can help you work smarter.
In this Google Hangout, we'll chat with behavior science expert James Clear about how you can form good habits and kick the bad ones.
To give you an example, when I was 16 years old and felt all hope was lost, it wasn't until I got extremely clear about getting a college scholarship for football that my daily actions and behaviors started to change.
Be really clear about what is acceptable and what is not when it comes to behavior from other business partners.
Once you're clear on this shopper, it's time to learn as much as you can about their typical lifestyle and behavior.
... The Jews (just like the church now) got flippant concerning divorce... I feel Jesus didn't have to mention homosexuality because the Law was clear to any Jew at that time... Paul had to mention it because he was an apostle to the Gentiles who I think were more prone to homosexuality behavior... I'm though not as learned as you... just my thought after 15 years of thinking about this issue... The church has a sacred duty to all... even gays... we need a unified loving answer to give them... but it must be the truth... because only the truth can set us free...
I realize that I wasn't quite clear about religious addiction... it doesn't have to be a substance abuser and their behavior isn't necessarily what would be called abusive.
This pattern of subservience to «childlike» behavior sends real clear signals about the root of your illness.
One reason we are so clear about, and free to «judge», behaviors that hurt children is that we identify with the child and naturally side against bullies (be they misguided parents, uncaring corporations, power - driven governments, etc.).
You can be compassionate while also being clear about your expectations for their behavior.
We prevent unwanted behavior in our young children by tapping into our children's needs, by treating them with respect, showing them how to respect us, by coaching them through emotions, modeling desired behaviors and by getting very clear about our family boundaries and then being consistent.
Be sure to provide frequent, clear, concrete feedback about your tween's efforts; tell your child precisely what behaviors did and / or did not do well, then give your tween a chance to fix it.
Borba: I was very clear about what I stood for, my values, the behaviors I expected, and the behaviors I needed to target.
If you think about a person with OCD who worries about germs and washes his hands compulsively, it's clear that the germs aren't causing his behavior; the OCD is responsible for it.
Adults caring for children often have questions about how to set clear expectations and manage behavior effectively.
Open up and talk to her, be honest about the issue, recognize her intent, be clear with your expectations, and describe how her behavior affects you and your family.
It is important that you and your child are clear about which behaviors are okay and which are not okay.
What I really love about this book is it offers readers clear insight about child behavior in a way that is easy to understand, and even recognize already in our daily interactions with our own kids.
Be very clear about what behavior you expect, what your individual child's needs are, and how best to respond to those needs.
Just as with negative comments on a nonprofit blog and flame wars on a discussion board, organizations will want to set out clear policies about what kind of behavior will be allowed, and they should also be prepared to handle a little unruliness (again, a common issue with all kinds of social media adoption).
«It is convincingly documented that the interventions resulted in energy - saving behaviors in households but it is less clear how these changes come about,» she wrote.
Until recently, little was known about how the microbiota influences the nervous system; however, it is becoming increasingly clear that gut microorganisms can influence the brain and behavior.
«When we started this research program there was a clear lack of tools and mathematical models to help the software engineers to program in an energy efficient way, and also to reason abstractly about the power and energy behavior of her software» says Philippas Tsigas, professor in Computer Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology, and project leader of Excess.
It's important to remember that we're talking here about very simple mouse behavior tasks - not the «depression symptoms of Huntington's Disease», which is not clear to people who only see the press release.
«If managers set clear boundaries and give good feedback about what's acceptable and what's not, they can limit those behaviors
There is no easy and clear solution to curbing behaviors you don't like about yourself, whether it is eating badly, spending too much money, having a bad temper, smoking, drinking or worse — otherwise there wouldn't be places like weight watchers, anger management, AA or rehab and the world would be a much nicer place for everyone.
In retrospect, it's clear that the rest of «Bad Moms» has been reverse - engineered around this scene, which plays on our collective expectations about motherly behavior.
In addition to clarity about student knowledge and achievement, you should have a clear sense of the behavior you expect at each point in the class period.
Clear expectations about behavior are also part of the school ethos at another South Bronx school, Mother Hale Academy.
Frequent readers of this blog know that I have often written about creating opportunities for teachers to observe student behaviors in other classrooms to develop a clear picture of «what student behaviors / actions are needed to gain the student achievement they seek».
The feedback you give students as part of these check - ins should be clear, related to learning targets, and full of specific recommendations for improvement (for example, «Your opening statement is grammatically correct, but it would be stronger if you grabbed the reader's attention with a prediction about the results of the main character's unusual behavior.»)
If you try to ignore behavior you will end up talking about little else, whereas if you are intentional about behavioral culture and establish clear expectations, behavioral issues will ultimately fade into the background as you talk about history, art, literature, math, and science.
Applied Behavior Analysis talks about the «topography» of behaviors, and there is nowhere the need is clearer than in teaching functional skills.
Such remedies could consist of one or more of the following: (1) providing clear definitions and examples of threatening actions for which students may be suspended (including specifying the conduct that does not warrant a suspension); (2) requiring the administrator (s) to make specific findings prior to imposing the sanction of suspension, e.g., determining that the behavior in question falls within the scope of the prohibited conduct, and / or determining that other means of addressing student behavior are not feasible or repeatedly failed to bring about appropriate conduct; (3) providing teachers and administrators with training on how to administer the policy fairly and equitably; and / or (4) providing teachers with training in classroom management techniques and effective behavioral interventions that give them appropriate and culturally responsive tools to interpret and address the underlying behaviors.
To stop your dog from barking, you must first understand exactly what triggers the barking, and correct your own behavior so that you are clear about when barking is acceptable, and when it is not.
The foremost experts in the breed are very clear about Siberian behavior.
Also, this is its growth stage when you can get a clear idea about its behavior issues or health problems to know in advance.
It doesn't mean that you won't be clear about what is acceptable and what isn't, but it does mean that you shouldn't get physical with your puppy to enforce the behavior you want.
It's quite clear who here doesn't have a clue about animal behavior or reality.
From the initial phone call to inquire about space for us to come play to the moment we walked out the door after visiting for approximately two hours, it was crystal clear that the entire staff was not only knowledgeable about canine behavior, but truly loves dogs.
You can also use clicker training to give Kacey clear instruction from you about what he CAN do to get attention, and then ignore his undesirable behavior.
The more I talk to social scientists and psychologists about humanity's growing pains in its current population and appetite surge, the more it's clear that the «market failures» described by economists examining environmental issues derive from fundamental patterns of behavior rooted deep in the brain.
This a decades ling conundrum of communicating AGW / CC knowledge in way that is consistent and in a way that can be absorbed in a nuanced and understandable cognitively consistent way by people that makes clear sense to them and builds a know - how about the consequences of AGW / CC that will lead to a change in personal behavior, especially when Voting....
Your behavior reminds me of the many women, who stalked me and complained about promises, long after I made it clear that I no longer found them interesting.
And for any others, I suspect if there was a difference in behavior, it was due to the fact there is clear and indisputable Michael Mann has committed fraud, so it's hard to get worked up about him being «harassed.»
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