Sentences with phrase «clear action»

The plan includes clear action steps for improved professional practice and resources to support those actions.
This applicant gives a few details about each previous job and uses clear action verbs for maximum impact.
People around here want clear action on a state responsibility — we've already had years of expert study.
I can help you target your job search more strategically with a customized plan that includes clear action steps.
Closing these two gaps will be even more difficult without clear action to close the trust gap.
Additionally, the candidate writes with plenty of clear action verbs.
When it comes to big projects and getting things done, I've found the trick is to break it down, eliminate what isn't essential, and identify clear action steps.
Turn it on for the first time and you're prompted with a few clear actions to complete.
It is now clear our actions are having a significant impact on the world's oceans.
The result is sharp, clear action shots and blur - free photographs without having to slow down.
Clear action steps are identified that leverage innovation, education and collaboration to bring sustainability benefits to consumers.
The communique said participants at the retreat recognized the urgent need to put in place clear action plans that would put the state on a good footing among its peers in the country despite the biting economic hardship.
Conference in February of this year, where they were able to walk away with clear action items and a sense of the possibilities for their shelter, despite seemingly crippling intake numbers and budget size.
Nadia gives clear action steps that make this process feel manageable.
Clear action items, accountability, measurability and quick successes were going to be key.
Studies show that writing down your goals, making clear action steps and sharing those goals with supporters makes it 78 percent more likely that you'll achieve a goal than simply thinking about it.
And Kathryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty, about the Osama Bin Laden killing, flawed as it was, did at least deign to give us a strong, clear action sequence at the end with a sense of jeopardy.
The Daily Beast described Luckey as «funding Trump's meme machine» in 2016, which is an apparent overstatement since the donation was supposedly a fairly small $ 10,000, and Nimble America's only clear action was putting up a «Too Big To Jail» billboard.
What sets him apart is not only his beautifully choreographed and completely clear action scenes, but also his strong emotional grandiosity.
The first clear action taken in Haim Tabakman's quietly striking debut feature, Eyes Wide Open, is about as on - the - nose as this small film gets.
A long - time second unit director and stunt coordinator making his directorial debut, Bradley employs a shaky camera and yet has a vital eye for establishing clear action geography in every ambush and skirmish, a benefit perhaps of his experience on the «Bourne «series.
Meetings structured around targeted small goals, with small «huddles» facilitated by Grace after each segment, sparked palpable excitement about student progress against the standards and how to foster it through clear action planning.
Thankfully, that is an option you can tone down or turn off, so you can have your scanline-less crystal clear action if you so desire, as well.
Sports fans or action enthusiasts will appreciate Clear Action Rate 960 which is measured using high - speed effective refresh rates and precise synchronization of backlight scanning to enhance motion clarity and deliver incredibly crisp fast action scenes.
For instance, some leaders may expect to have biweekly meetings followed up by minutes and clear action points, other may expect to correspond solely via email, and the rest may want to work in silo.
As presented in the professional homemaker cover letter sample, it is most effective to use strong clear action verbs like assisted, aided, juggled, interacted, adapted, investigated, organized, cleaned, and cooked.
Discernment Counseling is focused on assessment and the development of clear action options.
«Wayne Au and Melissa Bollow Tempel bring to us a complete exposure of the damages of high - stakes testing and sensible suggestions of alternatives with compelling stories, insightful analyses, and clear action plans.
This data dashboard makes it easy to monitor the health of their implementation and demonstrate success on a daily basis with informative charts and graphs and 21 key metrics with clear action steps for maximizing results, as well as powerful filters for drilling down from high - level data to class - level details.
Speaking with BBC News, they added: «We set out very clear actions to ensure the highest possible standards of child safeguarding.»
Both back a fiscally centrist position, with clear action on the deficit and honesty on the level of cuts that will be required.
It definitely makes fine use of Campbell's fine sense of pulp pacing, as well as for slick, clear action sequences.
For a well - written cover letter, use strong, clear action verbs from the professional camp counselor cover letter sample like coached, communicated, coordinated, encouraged, guided, instructed, motivated, and taught, so your hiring manager can understand your talents.
Ani Alexander has put together a thoughtful, considerate and practical program with clear action steps to help aspiring authors to achieve their first success, and even seasoned writers to reach their next level of success.
Each step is a clear action for you to take, and if you take them all, you will finish your book.
If you've had to fire someone, you probably found honesty and clear action the best policy, not sweeping the problem under the rug.
«The government has taken clear action to help the industry, through cutting energy costs, taking action on imports, government procurement and EU emissions regulations, meeting key steel industry asks.»
If we fail to take clear action, we risk falsifying God's Word.
«I know some thought I then sacrificed principle for the sake of unity, but I found it difficult to say to them clearly, well, unity is a principle, and not just walking away... Because that mattered to me, I suppose I just found it difficult sometimes to take the clear action, one way or another, which people wanted.»
However, seemingly, talk of «reform» is not a tangible enough message for a public thirsty for strong and clear action.
At a huge rally in Trafalgar Square, unions made it clear the action would stretch to the run - up to the general election.
But Suffolk County Republican Committee chairman John Jay LaValle fired back, saying that Mr. Bellone's plan lacked substance and did not outline a clear action course.
All parties must produce a new timeframe with clear actions and milestones for achieving the eradication of child poverty and these need to be monitored by the OBR and at each Budget and Spending Review.
«We therefore condemn in totality this barbaric act of cruelty against humanity and demand a clear action by the Federal Government under the leadership of President Muhammad Buhari to protect all our members and their resources as bona fide citizens of the country.
The Clear Action 240 processor and 120Hz refresh rate mean you'll be able to see fast action scenes and sports without any blurring or jerking.
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