Sentences with phrase «clear indicator»

The phrase "clear indicator" means something that clearly shows or points out a certain condition, fact, or situation. Full definition
Most of the time, test scores are treated as ends in themselves, as if they can stand alone as clear indicators of school quality and health.
The update was also accompanied by minor styling changes, such as clear indicator lenses, and a different grille.
It's an intuitive system that always reminds you of what you can do, the various icons giving clear indicators.
Our program includes rewarding and motivating tasks and exercises with clear indicators of improvement.
On the other hand, there are also clear indicators on what makes for good and what for bad quality of online teaching.
There are clear indicator lights on the body too.
The first clear indicator is the replacement of its entire drivetrain in favor of a custom lift kit that raised the roadster three inches from its normal height.
This is a reduction of over 99 %, and should be a crystal clear indicator that this system is not working as intended.
The employer is looking for clear indicators of your competence.
With clear indicators of the content's popularity, people know that their audience will enjoy it.
It's a very clear indicator to me that I am fertile and that my hormones are in balance and working in harmony.
The word Anasazi is a Navajo word meaning Ancient Enemy which is a pretty clear indicator that the Navajo believed them not to be the good guys.
A joint factor analysis of the five scales of the TIPI - J with the thirty facets of the NEO-PI-R-J showed clear indicators for the five known superordinate dimensions of personality in both scales.
Among the many changes were a completely revised front end, fully painted bumpers and side trim and clear indicator lenses all around.
Unlike most ports which shoehorn basic netcode in, Treasure remakes offers a wealth of lag - battling options - from limiting a game to the host's country to offering clear indicators of a participants upload and download speeds.
You may think you're the bees knees at tennis, but if you keep losing every game you play, that's a fairly clear indicator that you're crap.
«Likes and messages are much clearer indicators of someone's interest.
A big value of INPE's annual deforestation estimates is that they offer a simple, clear indicator about how the world's largest rainforest is faring, says tropical ecologist Dan Nepstad of the Earth Innovation Institute in San Francisco, California.
Results - based education means holding principals to a high standard for their schools» academic results; installing clear indicators to measure a school's progress toward those results; and equipping the school's leader with the flexibility to pursue those results as he or she thinks best.
Within each Mission, the player practices and gets feedback on common activities during that part of the cycle by completing Challenges.As with Challenges, it's important to design clear indicators for what's been completed, what's in progress, and what hasn't started.
The goal of these educators in our work together is to identify critical - learning standards across all the grades, develop clear indicators of success, and build an assessment practice that looks at multiple ways of assessing progress.
Through these initiatives, HLC is executing a multi-faceted approach to address students, parents and policymakers continuing to seek clear indicators of student success, and to support institutions in providing students with the tools they need to succeed.
Other features include 18 - inch alloy wheels, clear indicator covers, a Type S badging, and exclusive new paint colors known as «Premium White Pearl» and «Basque Red».
(We will write more about the All - Clear indicator later, once we actually have a bear market to recover from.)
If the IDs don't match up, that's a quick clear indicator.
Besides these thousands of thermometer readings from weather stations around the world, there are many other clear indicators of global warming such as rising ocean temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric humidity, and declining snow cover, glacier mass, and sea ice.
This while the MDGs and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have taught us: clear indicators work.
I also see so many goals for which I find it incredibly difficult to envisage clear indicators for success (the one exception being the legal identity goal).
Married status is an even clearer indicator of safer driving among younger people.
The surest way to fail to get a job interview for a sales consultancy is to make a job application lacking clear indicators of relevant job skills.
Phlebotomy (CPT), EKG (CET) and patient care technician (CPCT / A) certifications from NHA help validate skills and give employers clear indicators of accomplishment.
If even indie titles with female leads like Bloodstained can get the massive support they do, that seems like a pretty clear indicator that actual consumers aren't bothered by women leading their games.
Teachers being led away in handcuffs and facing sentences usually reserved for members of organized crime families is as clear an indicator as any that high - stakes testing in this country has truly run amok.
By the end of the 13th meeting of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Ordos, China, 113 countries had agreed to specify concrete targets with clear indicators, to rehabilitate more land and reverse degradation, which currently affects over a third of the world's land resources.
Whether it's an assessment which takes place part of the way through a course, or a final assessment which will give a student their final grade, assessments are a very clear indicator of how well your students understand the course material, and how well they are able to put that into practice.
Ms. Kragthorpe, herself, commented, «I think the plan must be strengthened to include stronger student - centered outcomes, clearer indicators for success, and more innovative career pathways that reward teacher expertise and keep teacher leaders from leaving the classroom,» leading me to believe that the system has VERY serious shortcomings.
You have measurements of altitude so that you can avoid decompression sickness, as well as clear indicators of how long you've been diving for.
It's a clear indicator of existing consumer search behavior.
So there's a clear indicator that visits to Trump properties are, indeed, down.
It's an impressive number, considering the device has been available for just a little under six weeks old and a clear indicator that developers remain optimistic about the young platform.
Best of all: The whole process gives employees a clear indicator of the importance of their work to the company as a whole.
The moment you find yourself embarrassed or concerned that others will obtain knowledge of where you work is a clear indicator of either poor leadership or unethical practices.
While token sale initiatives in normal present real and thrilling technological promise, there are clear indicators of fraud that must be thought of in the course of the investor due diligence course of.
Plus500 Ltd's CEO Asif Elimelech has said that this is a great and clear indicator of what the CFDs broker is capable of doing.
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