Sentences with phrase «clear obstacles in your way»

By enabling you to make the most of opportunities, protect what's important, and clear obstacles in your way, we are recognized leaders in the financial, private equity, real estate, technology and life sciences industries in jurisdictions across the US.

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Think of your life dream as analogous to your destination — if you find a boulder in the road, you're more likely to quickly find a way around this obstacle and successfully re-orientate yourself if you have a clear picture of where you're trying to end up, rather than if you are simply putting one foot in front of another on the path immediately in front of you.
Pastores Dabo Vobis is clear about the matter when it notes that if the priest's ministry and mission is to be credible and acceptable «it is important that the priest should mould his human personality in such a way that it becomes a bridge and not an obstacle for others in their meeting with Jesus Christ the Redeemer of humanity».
«The better you get at interpreting your baby's cries and body language, the better you'll be at guiding him and at clearing whatever obstacles get in the way
The move clears a major obstacle in the way of the restoration of power - sharing government between Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) at Stormont, which, under the terms of the St Andrews agreement, could take place in March.
The statement reads, «We laud the exoneration of the Nigerian Army, which was cleared of any wrongdoing as an institution and we see this as the removal of obstacles that terrorist sponsors had tried to place in the way of the army to reduce its ability to protect Nigerians.
This means that I can understand all those states and my goal is to meet everybody where they stand right at the moment and, perhaps even more importantly, to explain everything in an understandable way so that it becomes clear why I teach certain things, what benefit they have and how it is possible to overcome obstacles in yoga.
Once you prioritize a new initiative or select a focus for professional development, part of your job is to clear the obstacles that stand in the way of your staff achieving it.
It'll go zero to 60 in 5 seconds, has a top speed of 165 mph for quickly crossing the urban jungle, and features a suspension that lowers and lifts for clearing those obstacles on the way to your private villa.
It's hard to pinpoint what specifically makes Shantae: Half - Genie Hero's levels so engaging, as they flow in such a way that it's clear how every element has been placed in a certain location for a very specific reason, whether it's an enemy, an obstacle, a platform.
Available online and for iPhone (Android version coming soon), Gravity Lander is similar to Petri Purho's Cut It in that you must land an object (a red rocketship in this case) on a platform after clearing all the obstacles in your way, except here you must make sure the craft is right - side - up at the end.
The fun lies in trying to find your way around a world that isn't looking out for your best interests and the puzzles at times are difficult, but add further longevity as you clamber to and fro to clear the obstacles or make your way to your next location.
However, Emotionally Focused Therapy provides a clear map on how you can navigate the obstacles that are now standing in your way.
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