Sentences with phrase «clear purpose of the investigation»

The clear purpose of the investigation was to uncover the source of the unauthorized leak or leaks.»

Not exact matches

Other investigations continue in parallel but with boundaries and good liaison to ensure everyone is clear about the different purposes of the different investigations.
A great new resource that is suitable for all levels, the activity is designed to help learners understand the importance of: stating clearly the purpose of an investigation; planning how to collect data; designing clear, unbiased questions, open and closed; recognising anomalies and deciding whether these are outliers or errors; tabulating results systematically; taking random samples; plotting the appropriate graph or chart; reporting accurately on their findings.
These include using literature that focuses on mathematical content to engage students, using mathemagic that links to the development of meaningful mathematics, games that have a clear purpose and specific mathematical content, investigations that focus on interesting problems or using mathematical trivia and making links between the mathematics students complete in the classroom and their everyday life.
For example, when it's clear that the purpose of a unit is to compare insects and arthropods, students know what to expect and the teacher can plan readings, collaborative projects, investigations, and assessments to ensure that students focus on content related to this goal.
2d 121, 130 (D.D.C. 2012), the court found that an investigative report was not privileged in part because counsel was largely absent from the fact - gathering process and it was not made clear to corporate personnel that the investigation was for the purpose of obtaining legal advice.
It remains difficult to formulate clear guidelines on the circumstances when documents prepared for the purposes of internal investigations will be litigation privileged and it may still prove to be the case that reports and findings of internal investigations may be disclosable to regulators, enforcement agencies or other parties.
However, a reasonable explanation is called for when delay caused by an investigation is unusually lengthy, where the person being investigated remains under a cloud in the community and for purposes of employment prospects, and is in the position of being unable to clear his name.
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