Sentences with phrase «clearly manifests»

And thirdly, because this record clearly manifests a natural behaviour (it is totally free of anthropogenic influences because it covers a period starting at the 6th century AD).
To this mode of thinking nothing more clearly manifests the presence of the Evil One than mental sickness and emotional instability.
It seems at first glance that understanding God as love was simply a given, not requiring any special defense, because that love was so clearly manifest in the person of Jesus Christ as well as in the grace of redemption.
In Matthew this saying follows the one about a flash of lightning, so that it plainly refers to the coming of the Son of man, which will not have to be sought here or there but will be clearly manifest.
The Church for him is something like the uniformed units in God's array, the point at which the inner character of man's divinized life is manifested in tangible historical and sociological form or, rather, in which it is most clearly manifested because, to the enlightened gaze of faith, grace does not entirely lack visible embodiment even outside the Church.
This effectiveness has been achieved chiefly through the growth of intelligence, and is most clearly manifest in the decisive change that has taken place in the method of evolution, which in man proceeds through reflective deliberation rather than through the unconscious processes of natural selection that prevailed in the pre-human era.
For that reason, someone whose personal character becomes clearly manifest in its willingness to accept compassionately the excluded and forgotten, those whose lives are burdened with shame, will be exceptionally disruptive both to society and the individuals within that society.
The Holy See stated the pontiff said: «In the letter, one must clearly manifest total obedience to the pope, and whoever writes must be willing to accept the bishop whom the pope sends and has appointed.»
An act of love issuing from one's own clearly manifested character can not flow smoothly through the world to its objects as guided by principle.
Never before has this consequence become so clearly manifest, because, as we previously observed, ours is the first form of consciousness and experience that has evolved after the full historical realization of the death of God.
But although, since the Age of the Reindeer (that is to say, within a period of twenty or thirty thousand years) no progress is perceptible in either the physical or the mental faculties of Individual Man, the fact of organo - psychic development seems to be clearly manifest in Collective Man: and this, whatever we may think of it, represents as true an advance as the acquisition of an added convolution by the brain.
Fr Vickers shows clearly that the Catholic understanding of the priesthood can be traced directly back to Christ and is clearly manifest in the New Testament writings.
God's reign is everlasting, but at various times his intervention in history becomes more clearly manifest.
Rather it is the occasion through which the divine power to save and liberate becomes most clearly manifest.
here, the demon - possessed, god - hating paranoid schizophrenics clearly manifest symptoms of both.
The MPs went further to recommend that the RDAs should continue in some form in certain areas, claiming «the democratically expressed wishes of local businesses to retain regional coordination should be respected where they are clearly manifested
The all - new Sonata sedan, to debut later this year, will also clearly manifest the Fluidic Sculpture 2.0 design philosophy.
To the climate realists here, you clearly manifest the first three characteristics.
Anyone who takes the time to properly research the origins of the «population control» movement will come to understand that the Rockefeller - Turner-Gates agenda for drastic population reduction, which is now clearly manifesting itself through real environmental crises like chemtrails, genetically modified food, tainted vaccines and other skyrocketing diseases such as cancer, has its origins in the age - old malevolent elitist agenda to cull the human «chattel» as one would do to rodents or any other species deemed a nuisance by the central planning authorities.
An effective technical resume should clearly manifest your technical skills.

Not exact matches

That means if you set a firm goal, clearly visualize it, and take decisive action, it will eventually manifest in reality.
The Nazi philosophy was made manifest more clearly in Auschwitz than on either the eastern or the western fronts.
Does it mean that unaided human reason can not grasp the evident order, purpose, and intelligence manifested so clearly in the world of living beings?
We're called to Live the Kingdom by loving each and every person as much as we love our selves (we demonstrate this by healing the sick, cleanse the leper, raise the dead, feed the poor etc.) Clearly it requires a renewed mind to do the above, because it is through the renewed mind that God has chosen to manifest His Kingdom.
This point of view fully respects the progressive experimental concentration of human thought in a more and more lively awareness of its unifying role; but in place of the undefined point of convergence required as term for this evolution it is the clearly defined personal reality of the incarnate Word that is made manifest to us and established for us as our objective, that Word «in whom all things subsist.»
I believe we see that impoverishment more clearly today because its consequences and their destructiveness are so manifest.
the seeming absence 0f other selves within experience is what my theory implies would characterize human experience, since a self on that level could not conveniently manage other selves as clearly and distinctly manifest to it, but only selves on such a low level that only vague mass awareness of them would reach full consciousness, for individually taken they are too trivial to notice.
While the vast majority of Muslims reject the violent extremism manifest on September 11, some Islamist leaders and groups clearly attempt to justify their behavior in the context of a holy war or struggle in defense of Islam.
And all of them have a well - developed philosophy of education manifest in a clearly defined curriculum.
This sickness of modern man is manifested most clearly of all, however, in the individualism and nationalism which make power an end in itself.
Alan is clearly suffering from a deep - seated neurosis which manifests itself in typical symptoms: divided self - hood, alienated selfhood and emasculated selfhood.
Weblog after weblog manifests this, with commentators clearly seeing Schönborn's intervention as shifting the weight of the Church's position from a scientific acceptance of the theory of evolution to an unscientific belief ina version of creationism.
Our hatred of sin should manifest itself in a love that warns sinners — compassionately, but no less clearly — of the dire consequences their sin demands.
On the other hand, the dark side of economism has manifested itself rapidly and clearly.
Paul Macdonald Jr., in a recent essay for the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, argues that «a world populated in the end by saints and sinners is a better cosmic whole than a world that contains only saints, because in the former world, where God brings at least some human beings to glory, and eternally as well as justly punishes the rest, God is able to manifest his goodness the most clearly and fully.»
One response is that while in the Qur» an the imperative to «slay the unbeliever» (S. 9:5) comes without any clear historical context and therefore appears to be a command for today, the Bible's commands to slay Canaanites are imbedded within stories that clearly are part of the past and have no manifest application to the present.
testing ground» for low - intensity - conflict doctrine.1 The «crimes of the poor» manifest themselves clearly here, and the U.S. judges them harshly.
In «Make Hell Hot Again» (August / September), Marc Barnes claims that I argue the following in a recent article for the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly: «A world populated in the end by saints and sinners is a better cosmic whole than a world that contains only saints, because in the former world, where God brings at least some human beings to glory, and eternally as well as justly punishes the rest, God is able to manifest his goodness the most clearly and fully.»
I state merely that «it does seem possible» to make such claims — then proceed to show why I think it is wrong to argue that God needs hell, and specifically the eternal punishment of damned human beings in hell, in order to manifest his goodness the most clearly and fully.
The nonjudgmentalism is manifesting itself clearly up north.
This vision, manifested clearly and decisively in the message and movement of Jesus among the people, is named by him: the Reign or Realm of God.
What we call church and what we call the explicit and official history of salvation, and hence also what we call the sacraments, are only especially prominent, historically manifest and clearly tangible events in a history of salvation which is identical with the life of man as a whole.
That style tends to manifest itself in parenting where Mom offers more words of affirmation, tends to express her expectations more clearly and to «talk out» issues involving discipline.
Clearly the need to suck was still there, it just manifested itself in a different way.)
There is a root problem in the Democratic Party today that manifests itself most clearly in the priorities of those small entities vs the large ones.
Hijacked Marriott and here is and that is clearly appeared in manifested here.
The controversy manifested itself most clearly this year in the ouster of the two incumbents, as it seems to have otherwise dissipated.
When this manifests, our world is seen more clearly, our inner and outer relationships we feel more genuinely, and we learn more about a life in balance.
This is the stage where a doctor can clearly diagnose the disease as it has already manifested.
As Price saw so clearly, chronic disease manifests not so much as a collection of symptoms, but is itself a symptom of malnutrition's inexorable conclusion — death to the organism and die out of the species.
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