Sentences with phrase «clerical garb»

Sometime in the late «60s or early «70s you were in a grammar school or high school religion class, and on Friday the nun or brother, dressed in habit or clerical garb, was demanding verbatim catechism answers that were fully self - contained and highly rational.
«There were also complaints about their priest's refusal to support Cafod [this, Fr Finigan explains, is because of Cafod's support for condoms as a means of combating HIV], his expenditure on traditional vestments and other clerical garb, the absence of a parish council and failure to account to parishioners how money from the collection plate was being spent» [in other words, possible corruption]
«The bit about vestments and clerical garb -LCB- Boo!
In American Protestantism, the regular use of some form of special clerical garb has been confined to certain Lutheran, Methodist, and Calvinist groups.
Why don't they just come in their clerical garb and gather up a group that wants to pray with them and go do it?
Dressed in clerical garb, Monsignor William Lynn took the stand inside the packed Common Pleas courtroom under the watchful eye of Judge Teresa Sarmina.
Even months from Halloween, people in the East Village assume that a man in clerical garb must be in costume, but once they learn that I am a coconspirator in the world of cocktail enthusiasm, fine conversation flows.
I had just come from a wedding, and was clad in the black clerical garb of my profession.
No matter the reaction or the summer heat, I have never regretted wearing clerical garb publicly.
Kuma's Corner, a heavy - metal themed joint with an «Eat beef; bang your head» ethos, says its new burger is an homage to Ghost, a Swedish band that performs satanic songs in Catholic clerical garb.

Not exact matches

Prohibiting a citizen from wearing religious garb — a yarmulke, a clerical collar, a Hare Krishna robe — would seem on the face of it to be a violation of religious freedom.
All of the clerical, garb and regalia, all of the structures of religious accountability, all of the Christian vocabulary and books, all of the schools and seminaries and parish houses and Bible studies, all of the religious titles and educational degrees — they guarantee nothing.
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