Sentences with phrase «client development tools»

Do these proposals provide you more guidance on using web - based client development tools?
The report concludes that the existing ethics rules are sufficient, but that «lawyers would benefit from more guidance on how to use new client development tools in a manner that is consistent with the profession's core values.»
[T] he Commission concluded that no new restrictions are necessary in this area, but that lawyers would benefit from more guidance on how to use new client development tools in a manner that is consistent with the profession's core values.
Despite Twitter proving to be a very effective client development tool for lawyers, I shared 7 reasons why a lawyer still needed a blog.
Next, on September 20, 2010 the ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 Working Group on the Implications of New Technologies, released an Issue Paper Concerning Lawyers» Use of Internet Based Client Development Tools.
The Commission's proposals are designed to give lawyers more guidance regarding these obligations in the context of various new client development tools.
Super Lawyers will be part of the Thomson Reuters, Legal, Business of Law group, which offers lawyer marketing and client development tools, and includes the FindLaw and Hubbard One businesses.
Sending Thanksgiving cards to clients is the mark of a firm that has thought through how it interacts with clients and why — a firm that is determined to use communication as a market differentiator and a client development tool.
The FindLaw directory is a client development tool and revenue generating investment for our clients.
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