Sentences with phrase «clients coming through the door»

Some of my happiest clients are utilizing content marketing with video in order to get clients coming through the door on a regular basis.
These clients come through my doors all the time: smart, achievement - laden professionals, rusty where job searching is concerned.
As a psychotherapist and life coach, hundreds of clients come through my door.
A broad spectrum of clients comes through our doors with a range of issues - from severe depression to anxiety, from relationship problems to loneliness.

Not exact matches

In 2013 my mindset was that I had to be cheaper to get any business coming through the door, but in reality I was only attracting clients who wanted a deal and were penny pinchers.
Since I have only three employees, I don't have to take every client that comes through the door.
As a founding instructor, she has gotten to know most all of the clients that come through the studio doors.
It is also a very personal thing to have my own small business, everyone who comes through the doors, including clients, become family.
I think where I really spend most of my time with my clients is on nutrition; I treat eighty percent of the clients that come through my office door with nutrition.
As our clients know, we have a strong commitment to our animal «loved ones», and we treat every pet that comes through our doors as if he or she were our own.
I have seen firsthand, aggressive, difficult to examine dogs and cats now pull their clients through the door because they want to come to the veterinarian.
Like our animal patients, clients who come through our hospital doors are often under stress.
Most practices are pet - care centric and 100 % focused on the daily task of looking after the clients who are already coming through their doors.
Amber's job responsibilities include educating clients about proper pet care and providing animals with the attention and care that they need when they come through our door.
These professionals in turn may send clients who come through their doors to dog trainers.
When you are a newer attorney or trying to make a go of running a practice, you may feel like you have to take every client that comes through the door.
It could be that you're taking every client that comes through your door, which is a common foible of lawyers hanging shingles, as well as general practitioners.
We can recite all the stats in the world but at the end of the day we will be judged on how many new clients come walking through the door for our Attorney's.
Through our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, we ensure that everyone who comes through our door is treated as an individual — not just another case Through our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, we ensure that everyone who comes through our door is treated as an individual — not just another case through our door is treated as an individual — not just another case number.
When we opened our doors back in 2012, it was just Betsy and I and it was distributed in the sense that she was in D.C. at the time and I was in South Carolina and so the decisions that we were making in terms of the back office needs of the firm, time keeping and file management and even faxing and telephones all had to be through systems that would work with having two people in two physically different locations, and it was sort of very much when people found out that we had opened our doors it just kind of exploded and existing clients grew and started referring in areas that we didn't previously have clients, or cases, in and we would have to hire more people to staff those cases and the more people came with additional bars and then clients found out about those bars and then they gave us cases in those states and so it sort of has just grown.
Before a client steps through the doors of your clean, sleek lobby on the 20th floor of your office building, they come to your website.
Every client who comes through my door deserves their own individual attention.»
We see DWI client after DWI client that comes through the door that received a DWI after leaving a bar where they became obviously intoxicated and the bar or restaurant let them go out into the public knowing that they presented a danger to themselves and others.
Led by her faith in God, her professional integrity and her commitment to her clients, Ms. Scott and her staff strive to provide excellent legal service to every client who comes through the door.
We treat every case that comes through our doors with highest regard of confidentiality, and exercise the fullest extent of the law, with committed respect and dedication to our client's best interests.
And law firm management that does not acknowledge or reflect the contributions and needs of its members endangers the firm's cohesiveness, and even its very existence, no matter how many clients come through the front door.
If you are a sole practitioner dealing with every phone call and every potential client that comes through the door (and you engage in only one or two marketing activities) then you've likely got a good idea whether something works for you or not.
Law firm management that does not acknowledge or reflect the importance of firm leadership and the contributions and needs of its members endangers a firm's cohesiveness and its very existence, no matter how many clients come through the front door.
She also oversees policy development for the clinic but Mattoo is largely involved in client risk management — determining how at risk the women are who come through their doors and what services they need.
Our team of resume writers and job coaches has seen a lot of unhappy job seekers come through our doors, and we desire to help our clients find a job that will become one of the loves of their life.
The majority of clients that we see come through our doors at Platinum Resumes typically fall into one of two categories, either misguided in their approach or missing the point altogether.
The lady of the house (my seller client) came to the door with a see - through negligee on, or should I say, partly off.
This can only mean great things for everyone in our offices and every client that comes through our doors
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