Sentences with phrase «climate change advocacy»

In the article, the collaborators describe how the landscape for climate change advocacy has transformed due to technology.
Joe Pinion, 34, is African - American, founder of the Conservative Color Coalition, a spokesman for climate change advocacy group RepublicEn, and a prominent political commentator on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News Radio.
«The evolution of climate change activism studied by researcher: Researcher explores climate change advocacy in the digital space.»
Janković and Shultz even dare to reference the late Dr. Stephen Schneider's heartfelt rationalization for climate change advocacy by invoking his stated position that climate scientists must necessarily «offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have» so as to «capture the public's imagination» by «getting loads of media coverage» as a means to advance the cause.
One can hardly fail to note the contrast between the standard, communitarian rhetoric of climate change advocacy on behalf of getting rid of fossil fuels — we all need to act together to save the Earth!
Whatever is thrown their way, though, Mann says climate scientists must not surrender the moral high ground, something that Peter Gleick, a well - known water and climate researcher at the Pacific Institute, may have done when he deceptively obtained and disseminated internal documents on climate change advocacy efforts from a conservative think tank.
The Heartland Institute has recieved harsh criticism for its billboard campaign that equated climate change advocacy with mass murder and terrorism.
«Sometimes they produce gas just to burn it and get some CDM money, and it's not at all an honest way of behaving,» said Chaim Nissim, an engineer with Noe21, a Geneva - based climate change advocacy organization that has researched carbon offsetting projects at industrial gas companies.
«This lawsuit is a tort case,» Suryadi, a lawyer with the Riau Climate Change Advocacy Team, which is representing the plaintiffs in the case, told Mongabay - Indonesia.
The key speakers included Raffaele Del Cima, Poject Director SEED, Dr Daniela Giardina, SEED Scientific Coordinator, Dr Shaheena Tariq, Chairperson of Metrology department at the Comsats University, Raina Saeed Khan, the environmental writer and columnist and Munir Ahmed, climate change advocacy expert.
Watt - Cloutier expanded on her record of environmental activism by using the ACIA findings to support climate change advocacy in the political arena.
Find out more and get involved with Mass Audubon's climate change advocacy efforts by signing up for Mass Audubon's weekly Advocacy update, the Beacon Hill Weekly Roundup.
Ordinarily, the message of climate change advocacy is «game over!»
Sven Harmeling, Global Lead on Climate Change Advocacy, CARE International Climate Change & Resilience Platform: «Despite some technical progress in Bonn, climate change impacts will not wait for slow - paced government negotiations.
Climate change advocacy in the South — successes, challenges and lessons learnt By: Peter With, Care Danmark, Southern Voices on Climate Change
Some of Gladwin's best - known maps were created for the CLEO Institute, a climate change advocacy group run by Caroline Lewis, an energetic former science teacher who skillfully recruits everyone she encounters into supporting her mission to teach people about global warming.
Fortunately, biologists trying to save the frogs understood the real danger and published elsewhere in journals not dominated by climate change advocacy.
The climate change advocacy group accused Exxon of «pouring resources to actively deceive the public by funding climate denial groups, recommending against climate shareholder resolutions, and obstructing climate action.»
Sven Harmeling, Climate Change Advocacy Coordinator, CARE International, said: «Climate change impacts are hitting vulnerable populations all over the world.
Brown leveraged his climate change advocacy to gain a seat on President Obama's official U.S. delegation to the United Nations Conference of Parties 21 (COP21) in Paris.
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