Sentences with phrase «climate change crisis»

Listen to three Climate Reality Leaders explain how we solve what is far and away the greatest challenge of our time — the global climate change crisis.
«The pine beetle infestation is the first major climate change crisis in Canada» notes Doug McArthur, a professor at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver.
We can all help to make wise climate change resource decisions — read the emergency triage response to current climate change crises at ActonClimate
If nothing else, the North Pole Lake helped draw attention to the complex freeze / thaw cycles of the arctic and served as a symbol of the broader climate change crisis affecting the arctic.
Acknowledgement of the now urgent need to address the current environment, development and climate change crisis by committing to ambitious levels of binding action, in line with science and equity and with clearly measurable outcomes and milestones.
This leads me to a response to John Dawson's silly, but amazingly common, belief that the whole climate change crisis is a plot to bring down capitalism.
How would you respond to an accusation that you're making a classic overreach by comparing the future climate change crisis to the Holocaust?
Sick laughter from crowd in response to Romney mocking climate change crisis... Exceptionalist denialism ain't a policy.Katrina vandenHeuvel
Architecture 2030 is a non-partisan, solution oriented research organization founded in response to the energy and climate change crisis in 2003 and formally established as a non-profit in 2006.»
Additionally, the idea that «China, India, and other developing economic powers» are the culprits in the global climate change crisis is an absurdity.
These fires produce huge plumes of dark smoke, insidious carbon dioxide, and other greenhouse emissions that contribute to the current climate change crisis.
It would feed the 650 MW CPV Valley Energy Center that would contaminate the soil, air, and water of New York's world famous Black Dirt Region and cradle to grave would emit 20 Million Tons of CO2e annually, resulting in public health and climate change crises of a cataclysmic magnitude.
The Labour leader Ed Miliband has warned that the havoc caused by recent storms and floods shows Britain is sleepwalking into a climate change crisis.
Chairwoman Mikulski's CJS Subcommittee funds 85 percent of the science used to monitor and predict changes in our weather and climate, so researchers can make policy recommendations to help solve our climate change crisis.
Stem cell breakthrough by Lanza and colleagues was voted the year's top story, beating the Ebola outbreak, climate change crisis, entangled photons, cosmic inflation, as well as the year's other science stories ranging from topics in space exploration to mathematics, technology, paleontology, and the environment.
Christmas just isn't Christmas without at least one visit to Hogwarts — the amount of snow that falls across the entire Harry Potter saga could be used to solve the Arctic's climate change crisis.
In particular, solar and wind represent huge resources and can be deployed fairly rapidly, consistent with the urgency of the climate change crisis.
For two full days, almost two hundred people came together to «shrink» the climate change crisis....
While we should all be focusing on advancing towards a solution to the climate change crisis, which I discuss below, first and foremost, it is paramount that the record straight be set straight.
Obama's hype about the promise of natural gas as a transitional fuel also helped me see that however well - intentioned, parts of his plan are potentially inadequate for the scale of the climate change crisis.
It will either go down in history as the moment a US President stood up to the fossil fuel industry and said, «enough,» becoming the first of many other major moves that are needed to address the climate change crisis on a global scale.
«The global climate change crisis is a threat to the well being of humanity, and to my generation, that has been ignored for too long.»
«In agreeing with the youth plaintiffs in this case, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court joins growing global judicial recognition of youth's rights to demand that their governments act in accordance with the urgency of the climate change crisis,» said Julia Olson, executive director and chief legal counsel at Our Children's Trust.
Exponentially growing claims on wealth are realised by liquidating natural capital, hence the ecological and climate change crisis.
We need an urgent and holistic response to the climate change crisis, that includes each of us embracing care for creation in our spiritual lives, taking steps to change our own lifestyle, and pushing for change in our society.
These emails are blissfully being spun by the climate contrarians as proof of some type of worldwide conspiracy by scientists to fake the climate change crisis.
So, with that, I'm so very honored and pleased to be joined onstage with one of those leaders — a President who has done more to create solutions for the climate change crisis than any other in history — President Barack Obama.
On Sunday, September 21st, a march to bring attention to the climate change crisis will kick off a week of climate events in New York City.
A Trump Presidency, with Myron Ebell heading the EPA is a threat that should motivate like - minded people to work together to address the climate change crisis.
HSBC, whose global assets total more than $ 2 trillion, announced Friday that as the climate change crisis deepens, it will no longer finance new coal - fired power plants (with a few targeted exceptions), Arctic drilling or new oilsands projects, including pipelines.
A part of a larger group of documents unearthed by Jelmer Mommers of De Correspondent, this document marks an important time in Shell's history as they reckoned with mounting pressure to address the climate change crisis.
Global Thermostat uses captured CO2 for water desalination, synthetic «clean» fuels, bio-fertilizers, green plastics, building materials, carbonated beverages, greenhouses and enhanced oil recovery to help solve the climate change crisis.
What we do have is a global warming and climate change crisis, and how is this gonna help the situation?
It's an elegant, straight - forward solution to the climate change crisis.
The thousands of consensus scientists can study the effects of something that hasn't happened yet for another 25 years, or forever, it still won't make the climate change crisis true.
«In this impressively researched manifesto for change, Brown bluntly sets out the challenges and offers an achievable road map for solving the climate change crisis
However, if we use energy efficient design strategies, incorporate including on - site power generation from renewable sources, and have access to off - site renewables if necessary, then the building sector can become the solution to the climate change crisis.
The fact that around 26 % of South Australia's power was produced by wind farms in 2011, and greenhouse emissions from power generation in SA declined by about 20 % from 2005 to 2010, with no reduction in power reliability, proves that renewable energy can provide a substantial part of Australia's electricity needs and produce a positive contribution to the climate change crisis.
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