Sentences with phrase «climate change data»

The report is the administration's first major compilation of climate change data.
Two representatives assert that ExxonMobil lied about climate change data in the same way cigarette companies hid the real hazards associated with smoking, and they are now threatening a federal investigation.
We use three different tests to determine the presence of stochastic trends in a selected group of global climate change data for the longest time series available.
He hopes their study, published this month in the American Journal of Botany, will spur citizens to dig up more climate change data from their old photo albums and journals.
Related sites Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change data used in the study The Heinz Center Web site Chris Thomas's site
NASA last week abruptly decided to shut down a venerable research satellite that has been gathering critical global climate change data for a decade.
The LCD screens show paintings inspired by the experience of the storm including climate change data and native mythologies.
I.e. there is a legal requirement to provide climate change data.
As global temperatures have risen over the past 20 years, satellite data reveals that global rainfall has also increased — and the trend may continue as the climate changes
These teacher teams work alongside NASA - Goddard scientists as part of a NASA Climate Change grant, utilize local environmental resources provided by the Howard County Conservancy, and analyze authentic climate change data from AAAS's Project 2061.
The Associated Press has put out an interesting interactive mapof climate change data, including the emission trends from countries in the northern hemisphere, graphs of the various indicators of global warming such as glacier melts and global temperatures, and the pledges that different countries have made when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
This new discovery breaks the previous assumption in the scientific community that anthropogenic climate change only happened in the 20th century because climate change data before the 1900s was hard to find.
We live at a time when the federal government is removing climate change data from the EPA's website, withdrawing from climate accords (the anniversary is upon us!)
And NASA, the U.S. space agency, continues to research climate change, publish climate change data, and contribute to international reports, spokesman Stephen Cole said.
Sounds like lots of baseline climate change data to me (sarcasm!).
The primary climate change data and information analysis center for the Department of Energy (DOE)
Integrated assessment models (IAMs) used by researchers today — where climate change data is integrated with economic data — are dangerously flawed because they are based on naïve assumptions, according to Kevin Anderson from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change at the University of Manchester, UK.
Publication of deliberately false climate change data literally ought — i.e., MUST — be treated, not as a peccadillo, but as a Crime Against Humanity.
For the financial services sector, this debate underscores that now is time for company leaders to act: Examine climate change data, projections and trends, and incorporate this information into internal investor - valuation models.
With so many robotic fish projects in the works, it seems like we'll have quite a bit of biotech - diversity among «species» of robotic fish out in the ocean, all collecting climate change data.
Using officially documented research and color - it - yourself data visualizations, this project aims to convey climate change data in an engaging way.
And though it's supported strongly by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change data, it still involves some subjective analysis.
In addition to the video sculpture, the exhibit includes new LCD screen paintings inspired by the evacuation experience, return experience and the source of the storm including climate change data and native mythologies.
Not to mention create an international stink — if Mann's e-mails show he has manipulated climate change data, an accusation for which he claims to have been cleared.
Immediately following his inauguration, other information was removed from the website, including information related to LGBTQ issues, civil rights, healthcare, climate change data, veterans assistance and Spanish translations of each area.
Very low signal to noise ratio in climate change data.
C3S has been working to make its climate change data more accessible to the different industrial and public - sector user communities.
It aims to support climate change impact modellers, impact and adaptation consultants, as well anyone else wanting to use climate change data.
We need to ask why 20 % of all scientists still do not believe the climate change data.
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