Sentences with phrase «climate change on agriculture»

How can we feed a growing population while at the same time coping with the impacts of climate change on agriculture?
Instead of providing a nice, neat and clear answer, the findings showed that the effect of future climate change on agriculture is wildly uncertain.
A Richardian Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture in Germany.
On June 18, 2009, Heather Cooley testified on the impacts of climate change on agriculture before the U.S. House of Representatives Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming.
Results from various assessments of impacts of climate change on agriculture based on various climate models and SRES emissions scenarios indicate certain agricultural areas that may undergo negative changes.
It also contains a section on implications of climate change on the agriculture sector in LDCs.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of climate change on agriculture output in South Africa.
Charles Godfray, a professor at the Department of Zoology at Oxford University who recently co-authored a paper in the journal Science about the challenges of feeding 9 billion people, said that the impact of climate change on agriculture will be negative.
Adolph Okine introduced a formula for predicting the negative effects of climate change on agriculture in his native country, and it paid off.
A very useful overview of forest trends in a changing climate — exploring the full mix of factors, from fires and insects to changes in precipitation and photosynthesis — is provided in the federal report, «The Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture, Land Resources, Water Resources, and Biodiversity.»
There are no funds from Australia's current Conservative - led coalition government, which has played down the role of climate change on agriculture.
Among others, I have requested hearings on new findings on the impacts of climate change on agriculture, new findings regarding the probability that extreme weather events are influenced by climate change, and new analysis of earth surface temperatures.
For Tom Osborne of Reading University, senior research scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Science who models the global impacts of climate change on agriculture, farmers have no choice; they have to adapt where they can and change where they can't.
«Impact of climate change on agriculture may be underestimated.»
The IPCC has also released a big report on the impacts of climate change on agriculture, health, cities, and so on.
Impacts of climate change on agriculture and policy options for adaptation.
This report from the International Food Policy Research Institute analyses in great detail the effects of climate change on agriculture, with an emphasis on developing countries.
This technical document considers the intertwined challenges of food security and climate change, potential impacts of climate change on agriculture, and the impact of agriculture on climate.
While addressing National Seminar on «Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Livestock; Challenges and Opportunities» he said, «There is not any Copyright [continue reading...]
Posted in Agriculture, News, Vulnerability Comments Off on Scientists Concerned Over Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture
Research on the consequences of climate change on agriculture, forestry and fisheries is addressing deepening levels of system complexity that require a new suite of methodologies to cope with the added uncertainty that accompanies the addition of new, often non-linear, process knowledge.
The seminar titled «Effects of climate change on agriculture, water resources and land and its acclimatisation in Pakistan» was jointly organised by scientists from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF), AJA, and Monsanto Pakistan.
The proposal, estimated at Rs. 80 crore, will map the impact of climate change on agriculture, fisheries, industries, [continue reading...]
The main factor driving increased poverty will be the impact of climate change on agriculture, the report said.
Dr B Venkateswarlu, director of Hyderabad based Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture said the Rs 350 crore project has been launched with an aim to educate farmers about the adverse impact of climate change on agriculture.
The story, based on a Lancet study, made dire forecasts regarding the effects of climate change on agriculture, while failing to note that the study actually predicts much more abundant food availability in 2050 thanks to advances in agricultural productivity.
To reduce impact of climate change on agriculture, the agriculture ministry has embarked upon the project where farmers are advised on climate resilient crops and ways to minimize the impact of climate change.
His work includes major field experiments on responses of California grassland to multi-factor global change, integrative studies on the global carbon cycle, and assessments of impacts of climate change on agriculture.
by Trudi Zundel With food security threatened throughout the developing world, the global community has been paying a lot more attention to the effect of climate change on agriculture.
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