Sentences with phrase «climate change patterns»

But it's hard to tell if the unusually dry conditions that contributed to the extinction were part of a natural cycle or connected to global climate change patterns.
Very recently scientists have begun to more directly link climate change patterns to extreme weather events, which they have typically been reluctant to do.
The researchers used projected climate change patterns for the next 100 years to determine where they believe animals will be heading as the world continues to heat up.
Also important is the fact that different GCMs yield different regional climate change patterns, even for similar magnitudes of global warming (see Chapter 10).
Below is an infographic of why Ghanaians must care about climate change patterns and why they are experiencing the recent developments.
Barnard and his team predicted how SoCal's shores would evolve from 2010 through 2100 by modeling the factors that influence beaches — estimates for sea level rise as well as wave and storm behavior and predicted climate change patterns if the world eventually stabilizes its greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century, then starts reducing them.
To include Climate Change patterns in all national and regional environmental assessment plans is essential to minimize the disasters and to ensure the path to sustainable development is not given up.»
A new study on climate change patterns indicates that climate change could reduce total crop production 23 percent by 2050
These methods involve rigorous statistical comparisons of modelled and observed climate change patterns.
Partanen, A. - I., Leduc, M., and Matthews, H. D., Seasonal climate change patterns due to cumulative CO2 emissions, Environ.
Across five studies, we find evidence of attribute substitution, whereby individuals use less relevant but available information (for example, today's temperature) in place of more diagnostic but less accessible information (for example, global climate change patterns) when making judgements.
Although the first two sources of model uncertainty - different climate sensitivities and regional climate change patterns - are usually represented in climate scenarios, it is less common for the third and fourth sources of uncertainty - the variable signal - to - noise ratio and incomplete description of key processes and feedbacks - to be effectively treated.
What's new in the Hansen paper, Wuebbles said, is «tying a specific event to climate change patterns
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