Sentences with phrase «climate change solutions»

We really only need a few more early adopters for climate change solutions until they reach the point where they become overwhelmingly the best economic decision to make everywhere.
Must be included in climate change solutions, including carbon projects which provide significant and direct financial benefits to them.
That's a key reason almost everything you know about climate change solutions is probably outdated.
This is THE most promising climate change solution which can be implemented on a global scale.
By building upon shared values, we work towards the adoption of fair, effective, and sustainable climate change solutions.
We expect this funding will engage provinces, territories and municipalities on national climate change solutions.
Sure, he could've been more of a vocal proponent for climate change solutions, and he could have spoken up more about the issue.
We meet monthly to plan our activities and learn more about climate change solutions.
The TNA workshop on climate change mitigation and adaptation, currently ongoing today and running until the 27 February 2018 in Hanoi, Viet Nam, is aimed at enhancing the technology transfer, deployment, and dissemination of climate change solutions thus supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement to further promote and facilitate environmentally sound technologies for mitigation and adaptation in Southeast Asian countries.
The Harvard Project on Climate Agreements is grateful for support from the Harvard University Climate Change Solutions Fund; the Enel Foundation; the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation — both located at the Harvard Kennedy School; the Harvard University Center for the Environment; BP; and Christopher P. Kaneb (Harvard AB 1990).
The urgency of finding a global climate change solution now makes it clear that such pretense is foolish self - deception.
Q: Readers familiar with your work will know your writing on climate change solutions like solar, wind and sustainable communities, and your past as a Green Party candidate.
Right; 25 years of posting the type of misinformation and disinformation we see posted here, proposing actions that are a Plan for Geocide masquerading as climate change solutions.
Second, major emitters like the United States and China are now closely cooperating in implementing climate change solutions at home and finding ways to cooperate internationally.
The groups call for a more holistic assessment of real climate change solutions, not more «Business As Usual» economic analyses that imply we should accept a dead planet, or the suffering of millions if it is «more affordable.»
Though we chatted with some constituents who are skeptical that Rep. Walden will engage on this issue, at Citizens» Climate Lobby, we feel strongly Rep. Walden can be their champion and leader on engaging in and acting on effective climate change solutions.
My search led me to carbon pricing, a rising fee on carbon use, which has been adopted by 40 countries overall and described by top economists as the most efficient climate change solution because it drives consumers and businesses to change their behavior without costly bureaucratic micromanagement.
This research is part of multi-pronged project funded in 2014 by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation aimed at partnering with local organizations to develop science - based climate change solutions for coastal communities.
In October of 2013, in partnership with the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Ballroom Marfa launched Marfa Dialogues / New York, two months of programming looking at climate change solutions with over 30 program partners.
If the Hillary Clinton popular vote is the proxy for supporting Democrat proposed climate change solutions,
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«Clean energy is not only a good climate change solution, says Ms. Smith, it's also «good business» and creates jobs.»
The Climate Bonds Standard is a screening tool for investors and governments which allows them to easily prioritize climate and green bonds with confidence that the funds are being used to deliver climate change solutions.
Plus, we appreciate meeting our customers face - to - face, educating about sustainable organic farming practices, sharing climate change solutions, hearing suggestions, listening to feedback, and sharing new products and recipes.
The prime minister has warned today that failure to commit to sweeping climate change solutions at the forthcoming Copenhagen summit will be disastrous for the environment.
by Deborah McNamara on April 18, 2018 0 climate change solutions Drawdown EcoChallenge online climate action Paul Hawken Project Drawdown
Rep. Henry Waxman writes an op - ed detailing lack of action by House Republicans to even consider climate change solutions.
Climate Change Solutions Carbon Cap and Trade - A Looming Battle Among States Carbon Tax, Not More Financial Engineering, Best Way to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Jeffrey Sachs Climate Change Will Cost US States Billions of Dollars
In his signature manner, he has generally shied away from the careful political - speak adopted by many of his head - of - state contemporaries when discussing climate change solutions, striking an earnest tone on the issue which has made him popular among environmentalists.
Posted in EcoChallenge, NWEI News, Take Action Tagged climate change solutions, Drawdown EcoChallenge, online climate action, Paul Hawken, Project Drawdown Comments closed
Most climate change solutions focus on mitigation — ways to slash emissions as quickly as possible, such as by adopting renewable energy.
NZ (2007b), New Zealands Climate Change Solutions: An overview, New Zealand Government.
In a time of global climate defeatism, the Morales administration is now setting its sights on establishing Bolivia as a forum for alternative approaches to developing climate change solutions.
However, to date, there has not been sufficient demonstration of CCS, keeping some issues still unsolved and leading to a lack of public confidence in this technology as a viable climate change solution.
Gregory directs LDF's Climate Program grantmaking and investment portfolio, focusing on domestic and international climate change solutions.
She worked on a multi-stakeholder project that combined agriculture and climate science by seeking climate change solutions on grazing lands.
The rural - urban balance tipped in favour of cities that same year — more than half of humanity now resides in cities, and 80 per cent of us will be urban dwellers by 2050 — and as most national governments continue to stumble in their flailing search for durable climate change solutions, urban leadership has never been more critical.
Amy Davidsen, Executive Director, North America, The Climate Group, said: «By getting involved in our affiliates events program, organizations and individuals can play a pivotal role in helping to drive awareness, to keep climate change solutions at the top of the global agenda.»
But with Cancun looking like something less than even the half - way house of Kyoto, it may well be that the world will be limping on with a new sticking - plaster climate change solution, where the carbon balance - sheet remains murky.
In other words, forests, wetlands, and grasslands are a big climate change solution.
An adequate global climate change solution will need to limit total global ghg emissions to levels which will prevent atmospheric concentrations of ghgs from accumulating to dangerous levels and to do this any solution will also need to allocate total global emissions levels among all nations.
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