Sentences with phrase «climate change to the public»

Now he is an expert at communicating the science of climate change to the public.
In March 2013, Susan conducted a national webinar for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration staff and affiliates, providing tools and tips about communicating climate change to the public.
As somebody who has given over 70 presentations about climate change to public audiences over the last several years (and who shared lessons from this experience at AGU in 2015), I think these principles are excellent guidance.
But on Tuesday, March 15, all the committee's Republicans voted down that amendment, as well as two others acknowledging the threat of climate change to public well - being.
Scientists in developed and developing countries need to be on «an equal footing» when they work together on global issues from climate change to public health, AAAS President Geri Richmond said Thursday at the start of the 2016 AAAS Annual Meeting.
The coalition also signalled that it would disband Australia's Climate Commission — an independent scientific body that provides reliable information on climate change to the public.
Museums across the country face challenges in presenting climate change to the public at a time when the issue has become politically fraught.
The media has failed to deliver the science behind climate change to the public, listeners were told at a New York University - Abu Dhabi lecture on Monday night.
Given that ignorance, «the IPCC and other scientific bodies should no longer report attempts at calculating the net economic impacts of mitigating climate change to the public in their reports.»
As someone who works to communicate climate change to the public, I'm afraid over 99 per cent of the public wouldn't be able to make heads or tails of this — even some of your sophisticated readers say so in the comments above.
The point was not that money from the fossil fuel industry had corrupted the findings of the scientists, but rather, the scientists, thanks to the fossil fuel industry's largesse, had a megaphone with global reach to carry their scepticism * about climate change to the public.
From congressional offices to the ski slopes in her Pacific Northwest community, Myhre has worked with regional businesses to communicate climate change to the public and to decision - makers.
Of all the scientists out there trying to communicate the realities of climate change to the public, I'd rank Dr. Richard Alley in the top three.
As such, this primer was developed to help public health professionals communicate the health implications of climate change to the public, to policy makers, and to other professionals whose work is — or will be — affected by climate change.
Both MRC and CFACT have previously accepted grants from oil company ExxonMobil, which is currently under investigation by the New York attorney general for allegedly lying about the risks of climate change to the public and investors.
CLEARING UP THE CLIMATE DEBATE: CSIRO's James Risbey explains why it's not «alarmist» to describe the threat of climate change to the public and how the climate system will respond...
Climate researchers need to communicate their most recent findings to folks who are working in sustainability or resilience sectors — folks who should be on the front lines when it comes to communicating the threat of climate change to the public.
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