Sentences with phrase «climate change trends»

The study recommends that forest managers look for strategies that enhance forest ecosystem resilience and increase flexibility to make future management changes as required by realized climate change trends.
Better understanding of the effect of aerosols on Earth's climate in the past can help climate scientist make better predictions of climate change trends in the future, the researchers said.
We presented them with our pole which depicted their iconic lighthouse half submerged by the rising tide, symbolizing the amount the sea level will rise if current climate change trends continue.
And in ten to twenty years, if climate change trends continue, the Northwest Passage may even be a viable alternative to the Panama Canal.
Professor Chris Thomas, also at the University's Department of Biology, said: «We found that methods relying on historical climate change trends from the 1970s to today identified high risk species that have consistently declining populations over time.
Scientists also factored long - term, climate change trends into the three - month seasonal outlook by looking at the last 10 to 15 years of temperature and precipitation across the country.
As global temperatures have risen over the past 20 years, satellite data reveals that global rainfall has also increased — and the trend may continue as the climate changes
In line with this analysis, a key finding of a more recent Select Committee on Water Consumption and Alternative Sources report is that «climate change trends suggest that all droughts in the future will be hot ones, increasing their severity and the need for water sources not reliant on snowpack.»
Earlier this month, NASA scientists provided a visualization of a startling climate change trend — the Earth is getting greener, as viewed from space, especially in its rapidly warming northern regions.
In the middle Miocene (~ 18 - 12 Ma), major climate change trends appear to be coupled to pCO2 changes; however, in the late Miocene (~ 12 - 5 Ma), climate was warmer than today even while pCO2 was similar to today, indicating a decoupling between long - term climate evolution and pCO2 change.
Observed population declines in three African savanna ungulates suggest that summer rainfall reductions could result in their local extirpation if regional climate change trends are sustained (Ogutu and Owen - Smith, 2003).
Due to the extreme rate of CO ₂ and temperature rise during the 20th century relative to earlier events and the non-linearity of climate change trends the timing of sea level rise may be difficult to estimate.
In this episode of Deeply Talks, Ian Evans, Water Deeply's community editor, speaks with Tara Lohan, Water Deeply's managing editor and John Fleck, director of water resources at the University of New Mexico, about the status of this year's snowpack, what it can tell us about the water year to come and how that fits with long - term climate change trends.
Richard Muller, founder and scientific director of the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study, released a peer reviewed study concluding that climate change trends are due entirely to human carbon dioxide emissions.
Tom Wigley, a senior research associate at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, reports that if natural gas were substituted for coal in energy production, climate change trends would not slow down and may, in fact, accelerate.
Updates for Plan B 4.0 Slideshow Presentation The Challenges: Food Insecurity and Climate Change Some trends are worrying:
And current climate change trends could easily increase the chance of bad flooding — there's more water vapor in the atmosphere now (ready to condense into storm clouds and precipitation), for example, than there was 70 years ago.
Yet, the prior period to the modern era experienced a climate change trend that was equivalent to a 1 - degree change.
The tree above has, together with all the other redgums along the lower Crystal Brook, suffered from climate change trends.
Because if you find a connection between the North Atlantic Oscillation and eastern Mediterranean precipitation, you might then find the North Atlantic Oscillation itself might not be subject to a long - term climate change trend — or worse, find that it in turn depends on yet other poorly understood teleconnections, like the irregular ENSO cycle — the slightly better predictable AMOC cycle — or changes in the solar cycle.
Most scientists are careful not to link specific weather events to climate change trends, but NASA's James Hansen and two colleagues from the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia University have taken that plunge.
The notion that the only significant break points in climate change trends would be «Snowball earth», or «final sequence Red Star absorption of inner planets» is disingenuous, and distracting.
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