Sentences with phrase «climate controversy»

The phrase "climate controversy" refers to a disagreement or argument about the topic of climate change. It generally involves differing opinions on its causes, effects, and the actions needed to address it. Full definition
The effect is to make the show content producers think twice about presenting climate controversy that could challenge carbon energy in any way.
Susan Joy Hassol and Michael E. Mann discuss the latest faux climate controversy promoted by right wing tabloid press and politicians in New Scientist, Feb. 10, 2017
Susan Joy Hassol and Michael E. Mann discuss the latest faux climate controversy promoted by right wing tabloid press and politicians in New Scientist, Feb. 10, 2017
You would therefore expect that these members of Congress would send similar letters to researchers and institutions on the other side of this contentious climate controversy.
The climate wars have long played out in the media and on blogs, but education experts say that climate controversy is creeping into schools.
After spending a good deal of time and effort researching the epistemological issues behind the climate controversy in preparation for my book, I concluded that the essence of the «alarmist» position is precisely the argument you're attempting to make.
A high school science teacher (chemistry and physics) and father of two from Oregon, he addresses the climate controversy from the perspective of the ordinary person who'd like to do what's right, but is baffled and turned off by the is - so, is - not climate cacophony.
«The Carbon Dioxide / Climate Controversy: Some Personal Comments on Two Recent Publications.»
On its Web site, Koch Industries summarizes its views on «Climate Controversies and Energy Needs.»
This article makes a contribution to the study of the climate controversy by using Web data to research the status of skepticism within the climate debate.
It IS possible to disagree about science facts, science opinions, research findings and policy issues without engaging in the kinds of truly deplorable behavior we have seen from «both sides» [how I hate having to say that] of the Climate Controversy.
The moral of the story for the climate controversy?
People like my message and I don't get tied up with CO2 and climate controversies.
1984 Robert D. Cess and Gerald L. Potter, «A Commentary on the Recent CO2 - Climate Controversy
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