Sentences with phrase «climate cranks»

The phrase "climate cranks" refers to people who deny or disregard the scientific consensus on climate change. They often promote unusual or debunked theories about the causes or consequences of climate change. Full definition
That the U.S. has done so little against climate change is due in no small part to the fact that our government and, crucially, the mainstream media have spent almost as much time over the last twenty years listening to anti-scientific climate cranks as they have to genuine, peer - reviewed scientists.
This is why I think of Hansen as a chauvinistic climate crank.
The authors appear to just assume that the CAGW climate cranks are correct and that the CAGW skeptics are «deniers».
There in itself is a good reason for not getting misinformation from climate crank blogs like WUWT.
Politicians need to start listening to the mainstream science community, not the climate cranks, anti-vaxxers, intelligent designers, anti fluoride people and so on.
[Feb. 21, 1:59 p.m. Updated Mark Hertsgaard has posted a piece defending his push against «climate cranks,» including an apology for his errant description of his relationship with Politico.]
As I wrote in my opinion piece yesterday in Politico, which you should read if you haven't (and which criticizes the media quite strongly for its de facto enabling of the climate cranks), the U.S. Republican party is the only major political party in the world that still rejects mainstream climate science.
That said, my message in HOT and the message of the Generation Hot campaign to confront the climate cranks is by no means solely a negative one (as in your reference to «woe is me, shame on you»).
He calls such politicians «climate cranks
The climate cranks strong suit appears to be wild eyed predictions based on compounded suppositions.
The climate cranks have a hypothesis.
In a recent article in the Nation magazine, «Confronting the Climate Cranks», he takes on the political obstructionists, the «corporate lobbyists and right - wing ideologues,» who have stood in the way of action on climate change for two decades.
Hertsgaard plans to join with members of Generation Hot in Washington to confront the «climate cranks» in Congress, in the media, and the corporate sector on camera.
There is no point trying to change the climate cranks» minds.
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