Sentences with phrase «climate crowd»

As Australian science writer Joanne Nova quipped, for the radical climate crowd, «extreme cold is just weather but all heat waves are climate change.»
But in the last six months we've had two multiplex blockbusters that cock a snook at the Big Climate crowd.
The climate crowd are defending the future of life on this planet, no less, and they can't believe anyone would reduce such a crucial matter to something as crass as gas in your tank.
The climate crowd can not let Trans Mountain through B.C. to the coast.
Basically it's time for the climate crowd to say, «Okay, we got it, people are not totally rational.»
After complaints from the climate crowd about hostile questions, Kevin Clark Tweeted:
Given how the climate crowd go on about everyone who disagrees with them being in the pay of Big Oil, it's worth considering how lucrative a life in Big Climate can be.
For example, the late John Daly's «Still Waiting for Greehouse» was well known to the CRU and HAD climate crowd.
The climate crowd think we're the scourge, which is why they're ever more openly hostile to all that ol' go - forth - and - multiply stuff.
If the climate crowd truly cared about women's issues, they would focus on the link between poverty and affordable energy instead of wasting time, money, and resources on policies based on junk science.
Still, while recent polls are trending in the climate crowd's favor, it's far too early to declare political victory, and not only because the EPA's draft rules are still years from being enacted.
Notably missing from the policy rollout was any mention of blocking Keystone XL, the controversial pipeline that has become a high - profile litmus test for the climate crowd, or a pledge to curb fossil fuel extraction on public lands.
The climate crowd has good reason to believe it will.
At long last, Hillary Clinton has finally given the climate crowd something to get excited about.
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