Sentences with phrase «climate denial groups»

Environmental campaigners said they had not known for certain that the company was funding an array of climate denial groups — and that the breadth of that funding took them by surprise.
Research by Drexel University professor Robert Brulle showed that Exxon continued to fund climate denial groups in traceable ways at least through 2007.
Peabody refused to comment on its funding for climate denial groups, as revealed by the bankruptcy filings.
Cohen received a letter from lead scientists at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment London School of Economics and Political Science asking why Exxon, under his leadership, continues to fund climate denial groups after he had committed to cutting off funding.
In material supplementing one of his studies, Brulle documented Exxon donations directly to climate denial groups such as the Heartland Institute, up until about 2008.
From the UK Guardian «s June 9, 2015 «Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $ 125m over three years,» we have this:
«Secretive donors gave US climate denial groups $ 125m over three years,» The Guardian, June 9, 2015.
Soon thereafter, Donors Trust and Donors Capital Fund began to increasingly support climate denial groups.
«He also refused to embrace the scientific view that climate change is now overwhelmingly driven by the burning of fossil fuels and failed to answer legitimate questions about Exxon's support for climate denial groups during his tenure.»
Recognition must be lent here to Dr. Soon's call for an end to FOIA probing of scientists — many legitimate researchers (and their employers) have had their time and reputations wasted by industry - funded attacks from climate denial groups that work closely with the Heartland Institute, like the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
In addition, the Bradley documents examined by CMD show Bradley is funding numerous climate denial groups, including Myron Ebell's Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Heartland Institute.
«Canadian Climate Denial Group, Friends of Science, Named as Creditor in Coal Giant's Bankruptcy Files,» DeSmogBlog, June 20, 2016.
A DeSmog investigation shows that this list of staffers, largely undisclosed before this week, includes former operatives allied with Koch Industries, oil and coal industry employees, a former employee of a prominent climate denial group, and an advocate for a pro-trophy hunting organization funded by oil and gas.
And hey, the Heartland Institute, which bills itself as libertarian, also has ties to tobacco at the same time it funds New Zealand climate denial groups, too.
Guest Blog: Researchers recently confirmed that Peabody Energy, the world's largest private - sector coal company, has been funding dozens of climate denial groups, including the «Dr. Evil» mastermind behind a number of vicious, over-the-top attacks against the Environmental Protection Agency and the Clean Power Plan.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse asked ExxonMobil Corp. on Thursday whether it made donations to a financial clearinghouse that were funneled to climate denial groups after the oil company said it had stopped making direct contributions to them.
In material supplementing one of his studies, Brulle documented Exxon donations directly to climate denial groups such as the Heartland Institute, up until about 2008.
Many large foundations associated with corporate fortunes are active in financing climate denial groups — Anschutz, Bradley, Coors, DeVos, Dunn, Howard, Pope, Scaife, Searle, and Seid, to name a few.
The climate change advocacy group accused Exxon of «pouring resources to actively deceive the public by funding climate denial groups, recommending against climate shareholder resolutions, and obstructing climate action.»
Several years ago, facing complaints from shareholders, scientific organizations, and others, Exxon said it would cut its contributions to climate denial groups.
Kaine also asked about Exxon's past funding of climate denial groups and current lesser funding of these groups.
Three days after Lawson's BBC interview — which was immediately and widely criticised in the media and by scientists — the climate denial group tweeted out Sunday afternoon that it was «happy to correct the record» and has since removed the tweet after a request to do so by climate scientist Ed Hawkins.
Hours before Clinton's statement Thursday, four U.S. Senators, led by Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, sent a letter to ExxonMobil Corp. asking whether it made donations to a financial clearinghouse that were funneled to climate denial groups after the company said it had stopped making direct contributions to them.
For years, the climate denial group has been organizing conferences — sponsored by energy giants — where it has attempted to defeat any attempt to combat climate change.
The company, known for funding climate denial groups, has declared on the voluntary Register that it has spent between $ 200,000 and $ 299,999 ($ 223,634 — $ 335,449 or # 142,464 — # 213,695) on its European lobby efforts in 2014.
And according to the voluntary register, Koch Industries — the largest privately owned energy company in the United States, known for funding climate denial groups — has a particular interest in lobbying on the «EU's free trade agreement negotiations.»
But its funding of climate denial groups was only exposed in disclosures after the coal titan was forced to seek bankruptcy protection in April, under competition from cheap natural gas.
Then: Rothbard was co-founder and president of the climate denial group Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (Cfact).
«Court Documents Show Coal Giant Peabody Energy Funded Dozens Of Climate Denial Groups,» DeSmogBlog, June 13, 2016.
ALEC is another climate denial group facing dwindling support.
Since the past century, companies like Exxon chose to ignore the warnings of their own scientists and instead have been pouring resources to actively deceive the public by funding climate denial groups, recommending against climate shareholder resolutions and obstructing climate action.
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