Sentences with phrase «climate disinformation»

"Climate disinformation" refers to intentional spreading of false or misleading information about climate change, often to downplay its significance or confuse people about its causes and effects. It involves spreading incorrect or biased information to create doubt or deny the scientific consensus on climate change for various reasons, such as political, financial, or ideological motivations. Full definition
Evidence is also emerging about the role of Canadian companies, such as Encana, Imperial Oil and Talisman in support of climate disinformation campaigns.
Fossil fuel companies facing a future with stranded carbon assets, powerful contrarian ideologues, and right - wing media spreading climate disinformation remain major obstacles to progress.
It is somewhat disappointing to find this specious claim (which we usually find originating from industry - funded climate disinformation -LSB-...]
2)»... climate tribes (consisting of a small number of climate researchers) were established in response to the politically motivated climate disinformation machine that was associated with e.g. ExxonMobil, CEI, Inhofe / Morano etc..»
As a result of the politicization of climate science, climate tribes (consisting of a small number of climate researchers) were established in response to the politically motivated climate disinformation machine that was associated with e.g. ExxonMobil, CEI, Inhofe / Morano etc..
The letter was organized and promoted by the Natural Resources Stewardship Project, under the leadership of longtime climate disinformation PR operative Tom Harris, as the United Nations climate change conference in Bali was drawing to a close.
«The PR firms were responding to surveys conducted independently by the Guardian and the Climate Investigation Centre, a Washington - based group that conducts research on climate disinformation campaigns.»
Welcome to the DeSmog Climate Disinformation Research Database where you can search and browse our extensive research on the individuals and organizations that have helped to delay and distract the public and our elected leaders from taking needed action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and fight global warming.
But the widespread controversy that peaked after Nicholas Dawidoff's New York Times Magazine cover feature on Dyson has thus far glossed over some inconvenient facts and questions about Dyson's participation in recent anti-AGW petition projects organized by Canada's leading climate disinformation PR operative, Tom Harris.
In my beloved Quebec, something called le Regroupement Contre la DÃ © sinformation Climatique - the Coalition Against Climate Disinformation - is demanding that an opposing group called Friends of Science be deprived of their right to freedom of speech.
An essential first action is for fossil fuel companies to stop disseminating climate disinformation, either directly or through trade associations and other industry groups.
As we've already seen (here and here), at least four key sections in Carlin's review of the EPA draft endangerment finding, not to mention his central premise, were lifted nearly whole from Pat Michaels» World Climate Report climate disinformation blog, without any attribution whatsoever.
The most effective way to combat climate disinformation is through posts like this one.
He was featured in The Greening of Planet Earth (produced 1991, published 1992), a 28 - minute video, * widely promoted by the coal group Western Fuels Association (WFA), which funded many climate disinformation efforts, such as those by Pat Michaels and Robert Balling, Jr..
By Elliott Negin / Huffington Post: This six - part series, «Unreliable Sources: How the Media Help the Kochs and ExxonMobil Spread Climate Disinformation,» documents that the press routinely cites climate contrarian think tanks without reporting their ties to the fossil fuel industry.
New Study Concludes That Tracking Funding Of The Ethically Abhorrent Climate Disinformation Campaign Is Now Impossible.
s a result of the politicization of climate science, climate tribes (consisting of a small number of climate researchers) were established in response to the politically motivated climate disinformation machine that was associated with e.g. ExxonMobil, CEI, Inhofe / Morano etc..
The piece, primarily a full - bore assault on ideologues and special interests doling out climate disinformation, contains some valuable lines, including:
Laundering financial support through right - wing think tanks, they support a small number of loud climate science deniers along with right - wing libertarian media that trumpet this climate disinformation.
The climate disinformation campaign has been very effective on this issue.
They went on to finance — and continue to fund — climate disinformation campaigns, aimed at sewing doubt about climate change and renewable energy.
«ExxonMobil's Climate Disinformation Campaign Is Still Alive and Well,» EcoWatch, February 12, 2018.
In 1998, Bouchey and Myron Ebell represented Frontiers of Freedom on the 1998 Global Climate Science Communications Team, whose leaked memo laid out plans for a climate disinformation campaign.
Both Borenstein and Revkin concede that fossil fuel companies do have some responsibility, especially given the industry's track record contesting regulations and spreading climate disinformation.
Looks to me like integrity means something and I applaud the peer pressure put on Bengtsson not to associate with the climate disinformation squad.
Now, if only the «climate disinformation campaign» could be presented to the broad public in as clear and concise a manner.
climate disinformation campaign» is to begin with.
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