Sentences with phrase «climate engineers»

The 12 minute video below has very important and on target data that directly addresses the vitamin D deficiency issue and the role of climate engineering in this equation.
The mountain of data to confirm the ongoing climate engineering insanity continues to grow.
There is scope to systematically investigate the effects of image framing on climate engineering concepts; however, this was not the purpose of our work.
How much proof do we need before a majority of the population is willing to face the fact that we are all being sprayed with highly toxic elements from the ongoing climate engineering programs?
The same is true for the rest of the climate science community that has so far chosen to deny the catastrophic climate engineering assault.
The fight to expose and halt toxic climate engineering programs is nothing less than a fight for life.
So, political dynamics around migration could influence the development of climate engineering research and deployment.
This motivates exploration of other strategies such as climate engineering.
It is a transformation which, I'll argue below, has serious implications for climate engineering research and governance.
What challenges arise from talking about climate engineering concepts?
-- In any future conversation about research and potential deployment of climate engineering technologies, whose voice matters?
So, even deploying some sort of solar climate engineering now would likely take considerable time to stabilize the ice sheets.
The study's second most promising climate engineering strategy, after carbon sequestration, was carbon capture and storage, particularly when the technique is used near where fuels are being refined.
When that happens, how will the public react to your narrative of denial which in effect has helped to cover up the ongoing climate engineering crimes?
What are the best tools for teaching about climate engineering concepts?
The feasibility of this idea, using climate engineering to reduce the frequency or intensity of damaging hurricanes, or to steer a storm once it is formed, is not clear.
Educators are increasingly including discussion of proposed climate engineering technologies in their discussions of climate change, environmental policy and humanity's place in the world.
The conversation mostly centered around the proper role for and forms of public engagement around proposed solar climate engineering experiments.
If we are to effectively fight against climate engineering, the engineered cool - downs must be recognized for what they are, not natural.
Sharing credible data with others is key, we must reach a critical mass of climate engineering awareness with the general population, this is the only way forward.
This doesn't mean merely telling people what climate engineering is and how the science is unfolding.
Scientists hope to know a lot more about the effects of specific climate engineering methods in the coming years, but even that only brings us so far.
I know we have a long road ahead to end climate engineering and this is a great start.
We are now seeing a deliberate attempt to exploit the high profile and credibility of this body in order to create more mainstream support for extreme climate engineering.
The goal is to bring together the full range of perspectives on climate engineering questions, and to bring a host of new voices to the conversation.
The results show that the public has strong negative views towards climate engineering.
This is just one example of how some scientists believe climate engineering could potentially mitigate some of the effects of global climate change.
Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic damage to our planet, climate engineering stands out above all the rest combined.
The model simulations show that climate engineering passes a cost - benefit test.
It's telling that the new climate engineering report didn't come via request from federal science agencies.
Again, there are many causes, climate engineering likely the greatest single factor.
No matter the outcome, their involvement in the conversation about whether or not to conduct climate engineering research and about potential deployment will be instrumental in reaching well - informed, legitimate decisions.
However, any «scrutiny» that particular climate engineering technologies are under should be consistent with that given to proposals for emissions reduction and adaptation.
There are no existing studies to address this issue since the ongoing climate engineering insanity is being officially denied.
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