Sentences with phrase «climate envelope»

A climate envelope refers to the range of environmental conditions, such as temperature and precipitation, that a species can currently live in. It helps us understand where a particular plant or animal can thrive based on the climate it is adapted to. Full definition
Then they looked for each combination of characteristics within sophisticated computer projections of the global climate, finding the future climate envelopes — and, by extension, the potential future ranges — of the species and mapping them to a resolution of 10 square kilometers.
Climate envelope models do not simulate dynamic population or migration processes, and results are typically constrained to the regional level, so that the implications for biodiversity at the global level are difficult to infer (Malcolm et al., 2002a).
The study's results suggest that sensitivity to changes in climate can not be predicted simply by knowing locations within the species» climate envelope, she pointed out.
Using the single - species, or «climate envelope,» approach, researchers have predicted that 15 percent to 37 percent of species will be faced with extinction by 2050.
However, as shifts in climate «push the climate envelope,» yields will generally decline.
I recommend this diagram of the climate envelope inside of which human civilization has flourished.
Using hundreds of thousands of standardized observations from both the Christmas Bird Count and the North American Breeding Bird Survey, Audubon's chief scientist, Gary Langham, and his colleagues were able to describe the «climate envelope» for each of 588 North American bird species — pinpointing the range of temperatures, amount of rainfall, and other climate characteristics of the habitats occupied by each species.
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