Sentences with phrase «climate envoy»

A climate envoy is a person who is responsible for representing and promoting actions to address climate change at an international level. They work to build relationships with other countries, negotiate agreements, and advocate for solutions to global warming. Full definition
In proposing a system that the United States and China might agree upon, Ramesh in no uncertain terms told U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern and Deputy National Security Adviser Michael Froman that money and technology assistance to developing countries must be part of any deal on formulating a transparent system.
The current path, as described by US Climate Envoy Todd Stern, allows «countries to self - differentiate by determining the right kind and level of commitment.»
The guest list appears impressive: 21 ministers including US climate envoy Todd Stern and France's Segolene Royal.
U.N. special climate envoy Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland on May 10, 2007 declared the climate debate «over» and added «it's completely immoral, even, to question» the U.N.'s scientific «consensus.»
Former New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, now a United Nations climate envoy, has laid out a wise path for President Obama that could sidestep the political morass surrounding Canada's oil - rich Alberta tar (sands) pits and the proposed Keystone XL pipeline.
While President Trump is lambasting China on Twitter for its failure to rein in North Korea's nuclear threats, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) has taken on the role of shadow climate envoy.
He was selected as Climate Envoy by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
on U.S. climate envoy Jonathan Pershing: in implementing the Cancun Agreements, the U.S. will be the focus of global attention
Here's what China's climate envoy told Reuters:
I've filed an update (link to come) that focuses on the arrival of Todd Stern, the United States climate envoy, and his blunt response to developing countries that are claiming the world's rich owe its poor a «climate debt.»
«A remarkable thing has happened at the World Bank over the past 15 years,» World Resources Institute President and former World Bank climate envoy Andrew Steer said recently.
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«We strongly oppose that division,» Netherlands climate envoy Michel Rentenaar told The Associated Press.
Earlier this year the UK's climate envoy Sir David King said India and Brazil were stalling international talks over their desire for developed and developing countries to be treated differently under a UN climate agreement.
BBC: Comments by the US climate envoy last week discussing the value of the 2C target in international climate change negotiations have provoked quite a response.
China maintains its hard line that developed countries are historically responsible for climate change, but climate envoy Yu has also backed off somewhat from China's previous demands that all developed countries commit to 40 percent reductions in carbon emissions by 2020, saying that, «[a] concrete figure has to be decided by the negotiations; we will get a result in Copenhagen.»
about Despite Trump Plan to Ditch Paris Accord, Former US Climate Envoy Thinks America Will Be Back
BONN, GERMANY — Even if Donald Trump successfully withdraws the U.S. from the Paris climate accord in the next three years, Todd Stern, former climate envoy under Obama, doesn't think the country will be gone from the agreement for good.
After lengthy deliberations, the Board appointed former Australian Climate Envoy and Head of the Global Green Growth Initiative Howard Bamsey as the new executive director of the GCF Secretariat.
Early last week, Todd Stern, the State Department climate envoy, crowded on to a stage with leaders from the Marshall Islands and Mexico, Gambia and Germany, and declared the US was part of a «high - ambition coalition» that wanted a strong agreement in Paris.
Poland's climate envoy dismissed calls to keep polluters out of UN talks, ahead of a controversial negotiation in Bonn on Thursday about widening participation.
India's top climate envoy Shyam Saran said on Thursday that that the world would «probably not» agree an ambitious deal this year unless the global economy improved.
The administration, through U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern, has insisted it still stands behind America's Copenhagen promises.
Now employed as a United Nations special climate envoy, Robinson — who was talking up the Paris UN climate summit scheduled for December — says that:
Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg has joined actor Leonardo DiCaprio and the Angry Birds» «Red» as a United Nations climate envoy.
While President Trump is lambasting China on Twitter for its failure to rein in North Korea's nuclear threats, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) has taken on the role of shadow climate envoy.
It is set to return to the spotlight within the next three years as climate envoys will need to decide how to handle unused permits in a new global deal they want to iron out by 2015.
U.S. climate envoy Jonathan Pershing: in implementing the Cancun Agreements, the U.S. will be the focus of global attention
U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern was worried about a fallout effect of Japan's decision as well, pointing to its potential impact on the parallel track of negotiations in this process known as the Ad - hoc Working Group on Long Term Cooperative Action (LCA), which has been struggling for three years to create text for a new climate agreement which could either compliment or replace the protocol.
US climate envoy Todd Stern calls inflexibility «the enemy» of a 2015 deal - happening now at Chatham House: / / / XPy7p3mKIy
«I think that we'll shape the thing to get as much done as can be done, and there are some pieces that need to get completed,» Todd Stern, the State Department's climate envoy, told reporters.
«One of the things that should happen is that the climate envoy's office should be expanded so that's in their portfolio,» Light said.
Here's an excerpt, starting with Rohrabacher outlining his thinking for a witness, Todd Stern, the Obama administration's climate envoy:
I think Hillary Clinton's statements on climate change during her confirmation hearing, as well as her appointment of a climate envoy with Mr. Stern's credentials show the administrations serious approach to climate change, including measures to reduce emissions in line with the IPCC recommendations, or more stringent.
US climate envoy Todd Stern was less charitable about what he interpreted from China's remarks, while expressing his «enormous respect and fondness» for Xie.
Friends of the Earth U.S. President Erich Pica issued the following response: Special Climate Envoy Stern called the U.S. pledge «strong and robust.»
During his short tenure at State, Tillerson focused on cutting costs and eliminating staff, including the crucial position of U.S. climate envoy.
He supported staying in the Paris agreement, though he also cut the position of U.S. climate envoy.
Earlier in the day, the UN's special climate envoy, Michael Bloomberg, told the conference that under Trump, Washington was «out of sync with the national zeitgeist but it matters less.»
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