Sentences with phrase «climate fuels my addiction»

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Creation science vs. evolution, Genetic engineering, Homelessness, Euthanasia & assisted suicide, Pledge of Allegiance, Endangered Species, Organ Donation, Aging Population, Civil Rights, Racial Profiling, Drunk driving, Human Rights, World population, Children's rights, Alcohol & drinking, Gay Marriage, Disabilities Act, Acid Rain, Gangs, Drunk Driving, Animal Experimentation, War On Drugs, Language Policy, Famine Relief Efforts, Intellectual Property, Creationism, Moral Decisions, Civil rights, Organ & body donation, Nuclear proliferation, Sweatshops, Tobacco, American Education Reform, Cameras in Courtrooms, Sex Education, Missile Defense System, Adoption, City Curfews, Legal System, Civil Liberties, Bilingual Education, Global warming, Violence in schools, Legalization of marijuana, Immigration, Violence, Juvenile Crime, Social Welfare, Peace, Space Exploration, Physician - Assisted Suicide, Consumer Protection, Islamic Fundamentalism, Fathers» / Mothers» Rights In Divorce, Racial profiling, AIDS, Censorship, Environmental protection, Gun control, Affirmative action, Islamic Fundamentalism, Human Cloning, Minimum Wage, Dating Campus Issues, Campaign Finance Reform, Immigration, Garbage And Waste, Iraq, Fat Tax On Food, Federal Deficit, Family Violence, Agriculture Technology, Afghanistan, Smoking, Animal rights, Gender issues, Ethnic Violence, Intellectual Property, Foreign Policy, Dieting, Drug Policy, Social Welfare, War Crimes, Bilingual Education, Surrogate Mothers, Health Care System, Peer Pressure, Human Cloning, Speed Limits, Poverty, Same sex marriage, Homosexuality, Government vs. religion, Famine, Cuba, Amnesty, Endangered Oceans, Gay Rights, Legal System, Learning Disabilities, Islamic Fundamentalism Oceans, Living Wills, Biodiversity, Bio Fuels, Fraud, Garbage And Waste, Africa Aid, Women in the Military, Minorities, Pro Choice Movement, Zero Tolerance, Hate Crime, Antarctica Research, Gay Parents, Medical Ethics, Homeland Security, Terrorism, Binge drinking, Abortion, Welfare, Prayer in schools, Gangs, Death Penalty, Depression, Race Relations, Climate Change Policy, Agricultural Policy, Domestic Violence, Endangered, Endangered Species, Mass media Regulation, Conserving The Environment, Government Deregulation, Food Safety, Addiction, Gay Marriages, Academic Dishonesty, Organized Crime, Women's Rights, Chain Gangs, Anorexia Treatment, Water Pollution, Internet Hate Speech, Airline Safety Rules, Polygamy, Oil Spills, Legal System, Youth Violence, Computer Games.
Even if the world can break its addiction to fossil fuels and peak carbon emissions soon, it could still be too late to prevent devastating climate change.
The Lieberman - Warner American Climate InSecurity Act (A-CISA) has, as its core centerpiece, a poorly structured Cap and Trade program, inadequate for achieiving required reductions in US (and Global) GreenHouse Gase (GHG) emissions while giving away $ 500 billion (and likely more) to serial polluters, making the task of reducing America's fossil - fuel addiction that much more costly -LSB-...]
If President Obama chooses the dirty needle (approves the Keystone XL pipeline) it is game over (for the earth's climate) because it will confirm that Obama was just greenwashing, like the other well — oiled coal — fired politicians with no real intention of solving the addiction (of fossil fuels).
And it is and will be very difficult for us, particularly here in North America, to confront our fossil fuel addiction as well as lessen our impact on the climate more generally, individually and also as a society as a whole.
In delaying action on climate, some people have had a much greater role than others in prolonging our addiction to fossil fuels.
-RSB- production, transport, and consumption represent continued fossil fuel addiction that guarantees runaway climate change...
We just can't seem to break our addiction to the kinds of fuel that will bring back a climate last seen by the dinosaurs, a climate that will drown our coastal cities and wreak havoc on the environment and our ability to feed ourselves,» Tyson says.
Indeed, corn is not the optimal basis for providing all the ethanol fuel we will need, but, as the President says, biofuels are needed to reduce our addiction to oil and to slow climate change — and the emerging biofuels market is spurring major investments in using biomass other than corn to make ethanol.
The European Commission has recognised the benefits of community - owned renewables and cooperatives, but is failing to kick its fossil fuel addiction, at the expense of the climate, and the Paris agreement.»
This has done enormous harm through climate change and ocean acidification as well as air pollution that kills millions of people world wide each year so we must kick the fossil fuel addiction as quickly as possible.
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