Sentences with phrase «climate huckster»

In the glacial progress of the defamation suit against me by Big Climate huckster Michael E Mann, there has been a most interesting development: a fellow scientist, Dr Judith Curry, has now filed an amicus brief against Mann.
In climate huckster Michael E Mann's defamation suit against me, there has been a most interesting development...
«End of the Delusion — Climategate exposed the fraud But climate hucksters carry on —»

Not exact matches

Deniers make insane claims that climate science is a conspiracy by shady science hucksters and their leftist media dupes to defraud the public of wealth and freedom.
Hucksters overselling Big Climate alarmism are a major part of the reason «climate change» came dead last in a global survey by the UN ranking the issues people around the world care mostClimate alarmism are a major part of the reason «climate change» came dead last in a global survey by the UN ranking the issues people around the world care mostclimate change» came dead last in a global survey by the UN ranking the issues people around the world care most about.
Pretty funny to hear the Population Bomb huckster dismiss as «hacks and has - beens» two (real) Nobel Laureates, the former President of the Royal Statistical Society, the former President of the Statistical Society of Canada, the former President of the Royal Meteorological Society, the former President of the New Zealand Association of Scientists, the founder of the Lamont - Doherty Tree - Ring Laboratory, the inventor of the Gaia hypothesis, the inventor of the argon ion laser, the proponent of the Mobile Polar High, the founding editor of the journal Climate Change, the chief scientist of the UK Met Office, the principal investigator for the National Centre for Atmospheric Research, the man who developed the first satellite temperature record, etc..
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