Sentences with phrase «climate mitigation policies»

However, livestock production systems vary substantially, making the implementation of climate mitigation policies a formidable challenge.
In short, not even the most robust federal climate mitigation policy is likely to pay for local climate adaptation.
The report also says that most of the benefits of climate mitigation policies in the short term will come in the form of public health co-benefits from reduced air pollution, suggesting that climate advocacy will be well served to move away from debates over climate science and apocalyptic doomsaying, instead focusing on the multiple benefits in the near term of moving toward cleaner energy sources.
In this 2013 blog post, Jenkins reviewed some of that research and summarizes the conclusion: «a majority of citizens are likely to oppose climate mitigation policies with expected annual household costs on the order of $ 150 - 200 per household.»
Abstract Recent estimates of the global carbon budget, or allowable cumulative CO2 emissions consistent with a given level of climate warming, have the potential to inform climate mitigation policy discussions aimed at maintaining global temperatures below 2 ° C.
«The publications show that IEA Member countries are taking climate change seriously and have implemented numerous climate mitigation policies,» said Robert Priddle, Executive Director of the IEA.
Climate mitigation policies affect countries» economic growth, saving and investment levels, capital flows, and exchange rates.
The rapid growth of carbon footprints in wealthy countries led to concerns about carbon leakage — where climate mitigation policies in one country lead to increases in CO2 emissions elsewhere — and industrial competitiveness, because international mitigation targets were slated to apply to developed countries and not the Global South.
ESM 229 - Economics & Policy of Climate Change [4 units] Meng This course will explore the economic impacts of climate change, design of optimal climate mitigation policies, and existing constraints on implementation of such policies.
Under Prime Minister Stephen Harper (who has made no secret of the fact that he's not interested in pursuing climate mitigation policies), federal scientists say they've been repeatedly «muzzled»: asked to alter or exclude scientific facts from government documents and prevented from speaking to the media.
However, climate mitigation policies do not generally incorporate the effects of these changes in the land surface on the surface albedo, the fluxes of sensible and latent heat to the atmosphere, and the distribution of energy within the climate system.
But, if we can reduce the uncertainty about the carbon sinks, our data could be used to verify the effectiveness of climate mitigations policies
President - elect Donald Trump's actions thus far do not bode well, particularly his appointment of Scott Pruitt, a principal architect to dismantle federal climate mitigation policies, to the helm of the Environmental Protection Agency.
Further, critics argue that discussing the possibility of hurricane modification a distraction from the emergency response, coastal resilience, and climate mitigation policies that are most likely to prevent damage from hurricanes.
Since joining SEI in 2016, Georgia's work has primarily focused on two facets of climate mitigation policy: aligning fossil fuel supply with agreed climate goals, and low - carbon transitions at an urban scale.
She is also working on the quantification of the multiple benefits of climate mitigation policies.
The Climate Policy Implementation Tracking Framework is a policy tool that allows users to track the adoption and implementation of climate mitigation policies.
Predictions for what will happen in the future as a result of climate change will always have some uncertainty in them — but it leaves the door open for those resistant to climate mitigation policies to procrastinate, or to argue that we don't have to prepare.
To calculate the net costs or benefits of climate mitigation policies, one must compare the carbon they reduce to a world in which the policies weren't passed — a «baseline scenario» for CO2 emissions.
Ratio of Black Carbon to Sulfates Important For Climate Mitigation Policy What's more, the authors point out, is that climate mitigation policies also need to focus on the ratio of black carbon to sulfate in emissions — not just overall levels of aerosol emissions.
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