Sentences with phrase «climate of the future»

That information could provide a much - needed advantage in the uncertain climate of the future.
For instance AOGCM - based climate scenarios do not usually allow for the effect on climate of future land use and land cover change (which is itself, in part, climatically induced).
How drilling deeply can help to understand climates of the past and predict climates of the future.
And GM promises more: creating drought - resistant crops that will thrive in the warmer climates of the future, for instance.
It's important to remember, Linkin responded, that we are adapted to the climate we have, not the altered climate of the future.
Communities should plan defenses and emergency responses based on the climate of the future, not the past
New technology and research platforms are making it possible for researchers to identify those individuals and populations that will survive in the climates of the future and in the face of the myriad cascading effects of climate change.
The fossils act as a transcript that can be parsed for indicators not only of past climate, but also the climate of the future, making the team's work as important to climate modelers as it is to paleobiologists.
This raises an interesting question: How do Man's activities influence the climate of the future
The lawsuit does not attempt to cancel ongoing projects but asks only that OPIC and ExIm determine the cumulative impact on the climate of every future project.
«In order to respond to global warming, we need to understand how the climates of the future will be different than the familiar, historical climates that we are adapted to.»
We have a lot of opportunity to catch up with the climate change that's already happening, and prepare for the climate of the future
New technology and research platforms are making it possible for researchers to identify those individuals and populations that will survive in the climates of the future and in the face of the myriad cascading effects of climate change.
What that means, he said, is that atmospheric rivers will determine whether California has enough water to survive the climate of the future.
We are now at the point where we can decide what the climate of the future will look like.
However, predicting the climate of the future is a bit more complicated these days, she says.
What has happened in the past can help us assess the relative importance of solar and anthropogenic changes in the climate of the future.
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