Sentences with phrase «climate policy debate»

Many are simply struggling internally to understand business risks and opportunities, ensure consistent messaging, and find the capacity to engage in climate policy debates.
These are opportunities to influence climate policy debates with a strong, collective, constructive corporate voice.
Much less systematic attention — again in the context of the global climate policy debate (as opposed to domestic debates, where thanks to the environmental justice movement the topic is very much in play)-- has been paid to the problem of inequality within nations.
The Conversation US, a brand new web feature, held a debate June 15, 2015 under the headline «EPA Clean Power Plan reenergizes the US climate policy debate.
When Mark Twain wrote, «Never let the facts stand in the way of a good story,» he could have been describing Canada's current climate policy debate.
With the apparent collapse last week of U.S. Senate consideration of a meaningful climate policy, it is important to reflect on what could be a very serious long - term casualty of these acrimonious climate policy debates, namely the demonizing of cap - and - trade and the related tarnishing of market - based approaches to environmental protection.
But so long as scientists and policy makers frame climate policy as in terms of stabilizing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, then given current indications of its potential effectiveness and cost, air capture deserves to be among the options receiving attention in the international climate policy debate.
This article, The Greenhouse Development Rights Framework: Drawing attention to inequality within nations in the global climate policy debate, just released by Development and Change (by invitation for special issue on climate change and capitalism), thus begins to fill a very large, and very important hole.
Yale economist William Nordhaus is an influential voice in the US climate policy debate.
I've expressed concern before about the pitfalls of efforts that threaten to conflate climate science and climate policy debates and that speak of «climate skeptics» as some unified force, rather than a variegated array of camps and individuals with all kinds of motivations and arguments.
One bet I will make is that Arctic sea ice will not play a significant role in climate policy debates (as opposed to US summer heat, e.g.) in our lifetimes (no stroke factor here; my grandfather had a midlife stroke but lived to be 98).
Folks on all sides of the climate policy debate have already done this, while some knowledgeable commentators, most notably Jeff Masters at Wunderground's Wunderblog, have clarified how this weather relates to climate.
The president said the Keystone XL oil pipeline would not be built, ending a seven - year review of the project, a subject of climate policy debate.
As signs grew that the Senate was in no mood to set up a trading system for curbing carbon dioxide emissions, as I noted how the climate policy debate had circled back lately to the emissions - capping plan for power plants that had been proposed in the 2000 Bush campaign for the presidency, I found myself thinking about the vacuum that's persisted where President Obama should have been on this issue (if he planned to live up to his campaign commitments).
If anything the role of sustainable development has taken on an ever - increasing footprint in climate policy debates, which may render untenable a narrow focus on emissions.
Now is the time for conservatives to join the climate policy debate.
The last year has seen a massive uptick — under the signs of «carbon debt» and «historical responsibility» and even, in rhetorically extreme cases, «reparations» — in the amount of attention being paid to the problem of inequality between nations, in the context of the global climate policy debate.
Ocko, IB, SP Hamburg, DJ Jacob, DW Keith, NO Keohane, M Oppenheimer, JD Roy - Mayhew, DP Schrag, SW Pacala, Unmask temporal trade - offs in climate policy debates, Science, 356, 6337, p.492 - 493 (2017)
She recognizes Mann qualifies as a «public figure,» at least in the context of climate policy debates.
Global warming contrarian Bjorn Lomborg told POLITICO he is trying to defend the «smart middle» ground in the climate policy debate.
As the executive summary states, the Baker Institute analysis seeks to «help clarify and debunk common myths that currently plague the U.S. energy and climate policy debate
«The context here is that climate activists have long accused Exxon — along with various other large energy companies — of seeking to influence the climate policy debate to their benefit.
In climate policy debates, it's a matter of faith among some in the environmental and economics communities that «price is king.»
While the oil patch wants to lionize astronauts as credible additons to the ranks of climate denial, corn and cattle country Congressmen can't throttle NASA's budget to defuse the climate policy debate without damaging space exploration as well.
A new hot paper about climate denial adds to that list, and illustrates why the climate policy debate has become gridlocked.
Goklany is one of a handful of indispensable thought leaders in the climate policy debate.
WRI worked with the UN and several esteemed partners on a Caring for Climate report to create a common standard for engaging corporate responsibly in climate policy debates.
My colleagues and I at the World Resources Institute worked with the United Nations and several esteemed partners on a Caring for Climate report to answer these questions and create a common standard for engaging responsibly in climate policy debates.
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