Sentences with phrase «climate science expertise»

In a new paper that is currently in press we found that consensus increases with the degree of climate science expertise of the populations studied.
Kelly McCusker is a Climate Scientist at Rhodium Group lending climate science expertise to a range of projects and software development support to the Climate Impact Lab.
In terms of climate science, the authors» leave «little doubt about their disdain for what they regard as the misuse and abuse of science by a small cabal of scientists they see as largely lacking in requisite climate science expertise».
This begs for three final elemental questions: What climate science expertise do enviro - activists have to prove that skeptic climate scientists» assessments are lies?
Evaluation within the science of rational ethics has the potential to be independent of the problem area of climate science expertise; so we should get a much more independent evaluation of the untrustworthy issue instead of a biased evaluation that could reasonably be expected from within the climate science expert community itself.
Kelly McCusker is a Climate Scientist at Rhodium Group lending climate science expertise to a range of projects and software development support to the Climate Impact Lab.
This price level has been proposed based on the best current economic and climate science expertise, taking into account other national and sub-national carbon pricing proposals.
For me — a person having no climate science expertise — the most maddening aspect of the global warming issue is how enviro - activists attempt to persuade me and everyone else to side with them by saying skeptic climate scientists are liars on the payroll of the fossil fuel industry.
First, people with no climate science expertise are saying PhD - level skeptic scientists are lying about science - based points.
As is usually the case in these climate contrarian letters, this one has no scientific content, and is written by individuals with not an ounce of climate science expertise, but who nevertheless have the audacity to tell climate scientists what they should think about climate science.
«Skeptic - trashing environmental sociologists» devoid of any climate science expertise want you to accept the idea of man - caused global warming without question, and they dismiss skeptics out - of - hand by saying such skeptics are documented to be corrupted by illicit money.
Do ordinary environmentalists with no climate science expertise kill that situation with carefully memorized citations of superior IPCC arguments?
There's a strong correlation between consensus and climate science expertise.
I'm routinely told not to speak about the climate issue because I have no climate science expertise.
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