Sentences with phrase «climate science research put»

Many studies simply defer to the expert summary of climate science research put together by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which states that most of the global warming since the mid-20th century has been caused by humans.
Many studies simply defer to the expert summary of climate science research put together by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which says that most of the global warming since the mid-20th century has been caused by humans.

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Smith has wanted NSF to put a priority on funding the physical, computing, engineering, and biological sciences, and to downgrade research in the social and behavioral sciences and anything related to climate change.
Obama, he said, elevated the role of science and technology advisers throughout the executive branch, put in place plans to mitigate and prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change, set up health research initiatives to tackle such priorities as cancer and brain research, worked with international partners on scientific issues and used the White House as a platform from which to herald science and education, particularly for children.
In fact, Salmon doesn't think that the National Science Foundation (NSF) should be funding her research on tea as a model system for understanding how a warming climate is putting stress on specialty crops and the impact of those changes on farmers.
In order to put the list together, he called on dozens of research fellows across 22 countries to help compile all the climate research out there, and present it a way that people who aren't in science fields can understand.
What is odd in climate science is a unique situation, never encountered in any other scientific field but in religious congregations: the scientific objective as well as the interpretation of research output has been put in the hands of a panel of experts, the IPCC, under an official mandate to take care of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.
While the U.S. should be moving ahead with climate science research and monitoring capabilities that will support mitigation and adaptation efforts, we're dealing with a concerted effort to put the entire climate science and policy enterprise on the defense.
The CO2 hypothesis is over-rated IMO and the fixation of climate science research on this hypothesis to the exclusion of others have effectively put us all down a bore hole.
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