Sentences with phrase «climate silence»

"Climate silence" refers to the lack of discussion and attention given to the issue of climate change in various areas, such as media, politics, and public discourse. It implies a situation where people avoid or ignore talking about the impact and urgency of climate change, resulting in limited action being taken to address the problem. Full definition
We published our first report on climate silence three years ago.
In fact, on the day after Blue's speech The Washington Post ran an article describing a recent study of climate silence by two Penn State researchers.
That sort of climate silence at the corporate top leaves the public wondering what Dominion executives really think, or whether they think much at all, about climate change.
The notable lack of discussion around the issue — in a year of crazy drought and record heat — spurred a group of advocates to launch a campaign called Climate Silence to get the candidates to speak up.
Then again, both are loathe to even mention climate much in those stump speeches — we've got a pretty good spell of climate silence going this campaign, after all.
This creates what Leiserowitz and colleagues at George Mason University see as a «spiral» of climate silence.
By thinking hard about what gets shared and liked on social media, they are helping to counter the «climate silence» and ensure that the issue remains interesting and relevant, particularly to younger audiences — something the legacy media would do well to take note of.
That climate silence occurred partly because the television reporters moderating the presidential debates did not pose a single question on the topic.
If the climate silence and inaction continues, it may well be the story of the millennium — see NOAA: Climate change «largely irreversible for 1000 years,» with permanent Dust Bowls in Southwest and around the globe.
Of course the greenhouse effect and global warming had been discussed in debates during every presidential election from 1988 until this year, as Brad Johnson of the Climate Silence project shows in this YouTube compilation:
Many of us assumed the climate silence at Dominion means its executives want to avoid a subject that can be politically divisive.
Blue's climate silence is understandable in that regard, although it hardly reflects moral courage or true business leadership.
Climate silence is a topic of considerable interest to scholars these days.
Signs of activity as the «climate silence» from the President and Congress come to an end: On February 13 Senate Environment Committee chair Barbara Boxer (D - CA) held a «Briefing on the Latest Climate Science» featuring scientists Jim McCarthy, Don Wuebbles,... Continue reading →
And while environmentalists and climate hawks rightfully shamed the candidates for not addressing the issue, apparently Mother Nature wasn't going to let «climate silence» continue.
What does it say about the fourth estate and the presidential debate moderators that it fell to MTV to break the climate silence by finally asking one of the candidates about climate change?
In the months and weeks before the election, independent media outlets were begging both candidates and the traditional media to «end the climate silence,» and finally bring up the issue of global climate change.
And, as can be seen after the fold, the State of the Union blows through the Climate Silence barrier and signals that President Obama won't return behind it.
And the climate silence stretches far beyond the presidential debates.
In addition, Chris Hayes of MSNBC had an extensive climate segment earlier this month, in which he called out the candidates for their climate silence.
Amid massive climate - chaos related issues in the United States (hint, see after the fold), the 2012 Presidential campaign operated under a cloud of «Climate Silence `, with what could be described as a conspiracy between «The Village» (the traditional media) and the political elite to downplay (actually, basically ignore) the mounting urgency of doing something to avoid hurtling over the Climate Cliff.
While environmental groups have kicked - off a campaign to target this «climate silence,» the lack of discussion on climate change is a part of a larger trend in the U.S. where media coverage of the issue has declined even as scientists argue that impacts are increasing.
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