Sentences with phrase «climate simulation run»

Changes in tracer distribution in the troposphere and stratosphere are calculated from a control and doubled CO2 climate simulation run with the Goddard Institute for Space Studies Global Climate Middle Atmosphere Model.
Allen and her team developed new algorithms that combine ORNL's unique infrastructure and population datasets with high - resolution climate simulations run on the lab's Titan supercomputer.
And, as Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research warned not long ago, the climate simulations run for the next report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR5 below) are likely to produce more uncertainty than earlier analyses:

Not exact matches

Not only was Prisle successful, but running simulations with her model made a big difference in climate predictions.
To determine the impact of greenhouse gases, the researchers used tens of thousands of citizen computers, each running a regional climate simulation in a sort of crowd - sourced supercomputer.
When scientists use climate models for attribution studies, they first run simulations with estimates of only «natural» climate influences over the past 100 years, such as changes in solar output and major volcanic eruptions.
Scientists are checking advanced climate simulation models against existing data to find that they're running right on track to better predict drastic climate change
Each model had run simulations that included anthropogenic climate influences like human - released greenhouse gases and aerosols as well as simulations run without those human influences.
The study's team took an inventory of the wastes at Camp Century and ran climate model simulations.
As the model runs progressed, those tiny differences grew and expanded, producing a set of climate simulations useful for studying questions about variability and change.
The USC researchers applied a regional climate model to California, and Berkeley Lab ran simulations of building energy consumption.
Extreme - weather researcher Daniel Swain and associate professor Noah Diffenbaugh ran simulations using climate models.
To investigate cloud — climate feedbacks in iRAM, the authors ran several global warming scenarios with boundary conditions appropriate for late twenty - first - century conditions (specifically, warming signals based on IPCC AR4 SRES A1B simulations).
Running future simulations in climate models with present - day emissions, Cai and his colleagues find 73 per cent increase in extreme La Niña events in the twenty - first century when compared to the twentieth.
In addition, the PNNL - MMF is much more computationally feasible for running multi-year climate simulations than a global CRM.
Our climate simulations in this section are five - member ensembles of runs initiated at 25 - year intervals at years 901 — 1001 of the control run.
As we discussed recently in connection with climate «forecasting `, the kinds of simulations used in AR4 are all «projections» i.e. runs that attempt to estimate the forced response of the climate to emission changes, but that don't attempt to estimate the trajectory of the unforced «weather».
ClimatePrediction.Net has a climate model that runs as a screensaver in a coordinated set of simulations.
This means that in some simulations the climate signal might be found at the start of a sequence, the end of a sequence, the middle of the sequence etc on different runs.
[Response: I wasn't part of the group that made the decisions on what scenarios to use, but it is indeed true that running simulations of scenarios is a great drag on the climate science community, so there is every reason to try to focus on the ones that will be most informative.
The simulations of future climate from the two runs are valid for different time periods.
The possibility of there existing a plausible model with such a high sensitivity is of such overarching importance, I would have liked to have seen one such model chosen, and to have available all of the standard runs being provided for the IPCC Fourth Assessment by the major modeling centers, in the same format used by those models, so that the climate community could judge for itself the plausibility of this model's climate simulation.
Dr. Pollard and Dr. DeConto ran a five - million - year computer simulation of the ice sheet's comings and goings, using data on past actual climate and ocean conditions gleaned from seabed samples (the subject of the other paper) to validate the resulting patterns.
Well, it is a very ambitions and painstaking project which has managed to bring together all the aforementioned modeling groups which run specified model experiments with very similar forcings and then performed coordinated diagnostic analyses to evaluate these model simulations and determine the uncertainty in the future climate projections in their models.
As a check of this, one could comparing the climate model simulations of temperature change using the historical forcing runs with the temperature change produced by the same models under CO2 - only forcing runs * at times of equivalent total forcing change *.
Second, the absolute value of the global mean temperature in a free - running coupled climate model is an emergent property of the simulation.
From five climate model runs of the 21st century the authors derive 500 years worth of simulations.
P.S., apropos «Running multiple simulations with a climate model is always going to give results that have some inherent scatter...»
The team ran a suite of 400 computer simulations incorporating both what is known about how the climate could react to a greenhouse - gas buildup and a wide range of variations in the global economy and other human factors that might affect the outcome.
The climate modelers can continue running simulations, refine their guesses and SWAGS, figure out how to tighten the course grain assumptions, maybe someday they will figure out how and why, along with where and for how long the water is moving around on the planet.
Now a suite of simulations, run by an international team of ocean and climate scientists, shows this is a likely outcome should the flow remain unabated this summer.
Although the simulation conditions in the MMD 20th - century simulations were not identical to those in the CMIP1 & 2 control runs, the differences do not alter the conclusions summarised below because the large - scale climatological features dominate, not the relatively small perturbations resulting from climate change.
Chris E Forest June 26, 2012 at 10:41 am Reply In working with large climate model datasets, data archiving was not feasible given resources available in 2003 when simulations were run to produce the data in Forest et al. (2006).
Forest et al. 2006 compares observations of multiple surface, upper air and deep - ocean temperature changes with simulations thereof by the MIT 2D climate model run at many climate parameter settings.
You also set a lot of other parameters that control how the simulation will run: orientation, coatings, permeance of paint, climate, wind - driven rain, and initial conditions.
In working with large climate model datasets, data archiving was not feasible given resources available in 2003 when simulations were run to produce the data in Forest et al. (2006).
Amazed and convinced by the power of this tool recommended by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) for climate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a -LClimate Change) for climate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a -Lclimate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a -LClimate simulation with a -LSB-...]
In recent years one of the most important methods of estimating probability distributions for key properties of the climate system has been comparison of observations with multiple model simulations, run at varying settings for climate parameters.
Amazed and convinced by the power of this tool recommended by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) for climate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a community of graduate students in Germany last FeClimate Change) for climate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a community of graduate students in Germany last Feclimate awareness, I decided to run the World Climate simulation with a community of graduate students in Germany last FeClimate simulation with a community of graduate students in Germany last February.
As an individual aiming to spread the word for climate action outside the scientific circles, the opportunity to run the World Climate simulation with a very diverse audience was deeply motivating, empowering and toclimate action outside the scientific circles, the opportunity to run the World Climate simulation with a very diverse audience was deeply motivating, empowering and toClimate simulation with a very diverse audience was deeply motivating, empowering and touching.
A recent meta - analysis published in the journal Nature Climate Change, by Challinor et al. (2014) examines 1,722 crop model simulations, run using global climate model output under several emissions scenarios, to evaluate the potential effects of climate change and adaptation on cropClimate Change, by Challinor et al. (2014) examines 1,722 crop model simulations, run using global climate model output under several emissions scenarios, to evaluate the potential effects of climate change and adaptation on cropclimate model output under several emissions scenarios, to evaluate the potential effects of climate change and adaptation on cropclimate change and adaptation on crop yield.
To answer this question, Easterling and Wehner pored over global temperature records dating from 1901 to 2008 and also ran computer simulations of Earth's climate looking back into the past and forward into the future.
You can run a climate simulation yourself!
Using a detailed computer simulation of global economic activity and climate processes, they ran the model 400 times with possible tweaks.
As shown in Figure 2, the IPCC FAR ran simulations using models with climate sensitivities (the total amount of global surface warming in response to a doubling of atmospheric CO2, including amplifying and dampening feedbacks) correspoding to 1.5 °C (low), 2.5 °C (best), and 4.5 °C (high).
As a graduate student, my work focuses on land - atmosphere coupling and hydrologic extremes, and makes heavy use of supercomputers to run simulations of the climate system.
The projections can use several different climate scenarios to run the same future simulation.
The first simulation is an 1860 pre-industrial conditions 500 - year control run and the second is the SRESA1B, which is a «business as usual» scenario with CO2 levels stabilizing at 720 ppmv at the close of the 21st century [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2001].
We perform simulations of future Earth climate by running our baseline model for various (increasing) values of the solar constant until radiative balance is achieved.
and «Here the Hadley cell widening is assessed in current GCMs from historical simulations of the twentieth century as well as future climate projections and preindustrial control runs»
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