Sentences with phrase «climate simulation study»

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When scientists use climate models for attribution studies, they first run simulations with estimates of only «natural» climate influences over the past 100 years, such as changes in solar output and major volcanic eruptions.
In the new study, McGuire and his colleagues used simulations to study changes in permafrost and carbon storage in the northern permafrost region from 2010 to 2299 using two climate change scenarios: One with low carbon dioxide emissions and one with high carbon dioxide emissions.
Another possible issue with attribution science, he says, is that the current generation of simulations simply may not be capable of capturing some of the subtle changes in the climate and oceans — a particular danger when it comes to studies that find no link to human activities.
Academic: includes lectures by international leaders in the different fields of science diplomacy (energy, environment, climate, water, global health, nuclear nonproliferation, space, etc.), exclusive online learning tools, interactive case studies, and experiential learning through role - playing exercises and simulations.
The study, led by the Berlin - based think - tank Global Climate Forum (GCF) and involving the University of Southampton, presents, for the first time, comprehensive global simulation results on future flood damages to buildings and infrastructure in coastal flood plains.
A new study in Geophysical Research Letters uses historical climate model simulations to demonstrate that there has been an Arctic - wide decrease in sea level pressure since the 1800's.
The study's team took an inventory of the wastes at Camp Century and ran climate model simulations.
For the first time, their study combines the strengths of simulations based on integrated energy - economy - climate models that estimate cost - optimal long - term strategies to meet climate targets with life cycle assessment approaches.
In that study the researchers also used a climate simulation to show that the soot could help melt the mountain range's glaciers.
Climate model simulations show that Pinatubo - like eruptions tend to shorten La Niñas, lengthen El Niños and lead to unusual warming during neutral periods, the study says.
The study, published online today in Nature Communications, used sophisticated climate model simulations to show that El Niño tends to peak during the year after large volcanic eruptions like the one at Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991.
As the model runs progressed, those tiny differences grew and expanded, producing a set of climate simulations useful for studying questions about variability and change.
After the field campaign, Fast will perform computer simulations to help evaluate all of the field campaign data and quantify the uncertainties associated with using coarse grid global climate models to study megacity emissions and to determine the radiative impact of the Mexico City particulates on the local and regional climate.
Studies such as Otto et al. (2012) display how the numerical scale of the simulation numbers allows for clear separation between a climate with lower level of heat - trapping gases (1960s) and the recent period (2000s), such that the 2010 heat wave in western Russia was more likely to occur with the additional warming due to climate change (Figure 3).
«Inter-model differences in the present day climate simulations inevitably carry over to future projections of climate change,» said Hagos, lead author of the study.
For the fourth year in a row it investigates the causes of a wide variety of extreme weather and climate events from around the world, including eight studies using weather@home simulations.
The scientists carefully evaluated many aspects of the climate in the four simulations, using measurements taken from the area, data pulled together from other studies, and data produced by the model.
Leung describes a hierarchical framework to systematically evaluate climate simulations at regional scales and insights from several studies that analyzed simulations generated as part of the hierarchy to understand discrete challenges in regional climate simulations.
None of the assertions are based on rigorous statistical associations, oceanographic observations or physically based simulations; it is all seat - of - the - pants stuff of a sort that was common in the early days of climate studies, but which is difficult to evaluate when viewed as a scientific hypothesis.
Our new study links a framework for global and local sea - level rise projections with simulations of two major mechanisms by which climate change can affect t...
The research from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), published this week in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, used topographical and atmospheric data collected by the Pioneer and Magellan space probes to create 3 - D climate simulations, filling in lowlands with water and accounting for an ancient sun 30 percent dimmer than it is today.
This study links a framework for global and local sea - level rise projections with simulations of two major mechanisms by which climate change can affect the vast Antarctic ice sheet.
Mr. Iacono has used spectral radiances observed from space to evaluate the simulation of water vapor in GCMs, and he is collaborating with MIT scientists to study the combined role of improved radiation and convection on climate simulations.
Other AgMIP initiatives include global gridded modeling, data and information technology (IT) tool development, simulation of crop pests and diseases, site - based crop - climate sensitivity studies, and aggregation and scaling.
Complex systems are studied using information theory and computer simulation models (e.g. global climate models.)
The other point is that attribution studies evaluate the extent to which patterns of model response to external forcing (i.e., fingerprints) simulations explain climate change in * observations.
This study explores the role of these two factors in climate simulations of the 20th century.
Mike's work, like that of previous award winners, is diverse, and includes pioneering and highly cited work in time series analysis (an elegant use of Thomson's multitaper spectral analysis approach to detect spatiotemporal oscillations in the climate record and methods for smoothing temporal data), decadal climate variability (the term «Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation» or «AMO» was coined by Mike in an interview with Science's Richard Kerr about a paper he had published with Tom Delworth of GFDL showing evidence in both climate model simulations and observational data for a 50 - 70 year oscillation in the climate system; significantly Mike also published work with Kerry Emanuel in 2006 showing that the AMO concept has been overstated as regards its role in 20th century tropical Atlantic SST changes, a finding recently reaffirmed by a study published in Nature), in showing how changes in radiative forcing from volcanoes can affect ENSO, in examining the role of solar variations in explaining the pattern of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age, the relationship between the climate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measureclimate record and methods for smoothing temporal data), decadal climate variability (the term «Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation» or «AMO» was coined by Mike in an interview with Science's Richard Kerr about a paper he had published with Tom Delworth of GFDL showing evidence in both climate model simulations and observational data for a 50 - 70 year oscillation in the climate system; significantly Mike also published work with Kerry Emanuel in 2006 showing that the AMO concept has been overstated as regards its role in 20th century tropical Atlantic SST changes, a finding recently reaffirmed by a study published in Nature), in showing how changes in radiative forcing from volcanoes can affect ENSO, in examining the role of solar variations in explaining the pattern of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age, the relationship between the climate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measureclimate variability (the term «Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation» or «AMO» was coined by Mike in an interview with Science's Richard Kerr about a paper he had published with Tom Delworth of GFDL showing evidence in both climate model simulations and observational data for a 50 - 70 year oscillation in the climate system; significantly Mike also published work with Kerry Emanuel in 2006 showing that the AMO concept has been overstated as regards its role in 20th century tropical Atlantic SST changes, a finding recently reaffirmed by a study published in Nature), in showing how changes in radiative forcing from volcanoes can affect ENSO, in examining the role of solar variations in explaining the pattern of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age, the relationship between the climate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measureclimate model simulations and observational data for a 50 - 70 year oscillation in the climate system; significantly Mike also published work with Kerry Emanuel in 2006 showing that the AMO concept has been overstated as regards its role in 20th century tropical Atlantic SST changes, a finding recently reaffirmed by a study published in Nature), in showing how changes in radiative forcing from volcanoes can affect ENSO, in examining the role of solar variations in explaining the pattern of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age, the relationship between the climate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measureclimate system; significantly Mike also published work with Kerry Emanuel in 2006 showing that the AMO concept has been overstated as regards its role in 20th century tropical Atlantic SST changes, a finding recently reaffirmed by a study published in Nature), in showing how changes in radiative forcing from volcanoes can affect ENSO, in examining the role of solar variations in explaining the pattern of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age, the relationship between the climate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measureClimate Anomaly and Little Ice Age, the relationship between the climate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measureclimate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measurements).
Effects of harvest and climate change on polar marine ecosystems: case studies from the Antarctic Peninsula and Hudson Bay C Hoover — 2012 — Future simulations of the Antarctic Peninsula identify large reductions in ecosystem biomass of all species due changes in environmental conditions and an overall reduction in krill, with minimal ecosystem impacts from harvest.
Some of them are optimal fingerprint detection studies (estimating the magnitude of fingerprints for different external forcing factors in observations, and determining how likely such patterns could have occurred in observations by chance, and how likely they could be confused with climate response to other influences, using a statistically optimal metric), some of them use simpler methods, such as comparisons between data and climate model simulations with and without greenhouse gas increases / anthropogenic forcing, and some are even based only on observations.
This data product will be useful in future studies, including as a benchmark for comparisons with climate - model simulations that attempt to account for both anthropogenic and natural factors in projections of future climate.
Hegerl et al (2006) for example used comparisons during the pre-industrial of EBM simulations and proxy temperature reconstructions based entirely or partially on tree - ring data to estimate the equilibrium 2xCO2 climate sensitivity, arguing for a substantially lower 5 % -95 % range of 1.5 — 6.2 C than found in several previous studies.
A detailed reanalysis is presented of a «Bayesian» climate parameter study (Forest et al., 2006) that estimates climate sensitivity (ECS) jointly with effective ocean diffusivity and aerosol forcing, using optimal fingerprints to compare multi-decadal observations with simulations by the MIT 2D climate model at varying settings of the three climate parameters.
There are some long simulations with global climate models, but I don't know if there have been any studies dedicated to answer your question.
Paper:: Future studies using integrated assessment models and other climate simulations should include more realistic deforestation rates and the integration of policy that would reduce LULCC emissions.
As we have discussed several times elsewhere on this site, studies employing model simulations of the past millennium have been extremely successful in reproducing many of the details evident in paleoclimate reconstructions of this interval as a forced response of the climate to natural (primarly volcanic and solar) and in more recent centuries, anthropogenic, radiative changes.
The study, combining data from observed storms with a variety of climate simulations, did not extend beyond 1999 and so does not assess more recent extreme weather events.
The study, by British and American scientists, found that the observed peaks in extreme rain events are about twice as high as what global climate simulations produce.
The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program: Studies Based on NARCCAP Simulations (Video On - Demand) Tuesday PA21B.
Also referred to as synthetic scenarios (IPCC, 1994), they are commonly applied to study the sensitivity of an exposure unit to a wide range of variations in climate, often according to a qualitative interpretation of projections of future regional climate from climate model simulations (guided sensitivity analysis, see IPCC - TGCIA, 1999).
Sensitivity studies were made to improve the simulation of high latitude temperature and hydrology and thus the thermohaline circulation, an important aspect of the ocean's role in climate.
Our study shows that in 35 - years long high - resolution simulations the new model version can reproduce the state of the Fenno - Scandinavian lakes realistically, thus leading to a better representation of the overall climate.
This research, which was funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Swiss National Science Foundation, is the first time that summer heat and its dependence on the rate of greenhouse gas emissions have been studied in a climate model simulation.
If there was actual empirical measurements and irrefutable studies (sans climate model simulations) supporting the IPCC's CAGW claims and predictions, then skeptics, and any of those in - the - bedroom - closet boogieman deniers, would likely not exist except in the conspiracy - addled brains of climate doomsday believers.
A much larger range of forcing combinations and climate model simulations has been analysed in detection studies than was available for the TAR (Supplementary Material, Table S9.1).
The study, «Assessing the Risk of Persistent Drought Using Climate Model Simulations and Paleoclimate Data,» was also co-authored by Julia E. Cole, David M. Meko and Jonathan T. Overpeck of University of Arizona; and Gregory T. Pederson of the U.S. Geological Survey.
Forest 2006, along with several other climate sensitivity studies, used simulations by the MIT 2D model of zonal surface and upper - air temperatures and global deep - ocean temperature, the upper - air data being least influential.
As reported by other flora wide studies [20]--[21], our projections of range size change vary greatly based on future climate simulations, emission levels, and dispersal scenarios.
As in these studies, model projections depend greatly on future climate simulations, emission levels, and dispersal scenarios.
Moreover, it also includes a number of detection and attribution studies, the IPCC's «gold standard» in terms of inferring climate change and establishing consistency of AO - GCM simulations of greenhouse gas induced warming with observations.
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