Sentences with phrase «climate stability»

"Climate stability" refers to the conditions of the Earth's climate staying relatively constant and predictable over a long period of time. It means that there are no significant changes or disruptions in temperature, precipitation patterns, or extreme weather events, allowing ecosystems and human societies to adapt and thrive. Full definition
This transformation has taken place in a remarkable period of climate stability, over the past 8,000 years or so.
Protecting tropical forests could lower the overall costs and accelerate the achievement of global climate stability.
Consequently a false picture of apparent climate stability in the past is portrayed.
Long - term climate stability would require «unprecedented» global cooperation, with countries agreeing to a plan that would set a global price on such pollution.
Another concern is that modern agricultural varieties have been chosen based on certain assumptions — about climate stability, water availability, and fertilizer use — that may not always hold true.
* A large moon at just the right distance to minimize changes in a planet's tilt, ensuring climate stability.
Moreover, the planet has not reached a new climate stability, but global warming is creating more powerful storms and record - breaking, drought - driven wildfires.
Turning to renewables will also dramatically cut carbon emissions, moving us toward climate stability and thus avoiding the most dangerous effects of climate change.
During the age of growth we've witnessed the loss of climate stability, the loss of biological diversity, and the loss of social cohesion.
As has long been clear, energy security completely trumps climate stability as a priority.
Agriculture as it exists today developed over 11,000 years of rather remarkable climate stability.
If human emissions do indeed turn out to have a dangerous effect on climate stability then I would accept the need for mitigating steps requiring a more authoritarian political regime than would otherwise be necessary.
Achieving climate stability requires conservation of tropical forests.
But the presence of oceans is vital for optimal climate stability and habitability.
If the geological record indicated a great degree of climate stability then in my opinion it would in fact weaken AGW.
This echoes past posts noting that near - term energy security will always trump long - term climate stability when push comes to shove.
Leading Chinese authorities on energy and climate have repeatedly said that energy security clearly still trumps climate stability as a priority.
According to Dansgaard's team «the recent climate stability may be the exception rather than the rule».
It's worth pointing out that human civilization emerged in the period of unusual climate stability that prevailed over the last 6000 years.
I disagree with his interpretation of the 2 - degree warming threshold as scientifically — rather than politically — established and his flat assertion that there's no path to climate stability without a peak in global emissions of greenhouse gases within the next 10 years.
Perhaps it is you who failed to recognize the most important implication of the Scotese reconstructions, and got lost in less essential details of partial climate stability issues.
The slow movement of the continents and more or less haphazard distribution thus allow very very long periods of climate stability at one or the other of the two great attractors — melted or frozen.
The very limited deviation from the considerable climate stability illustrated throughout the paleo reconstructions - including the Mann et al 1998 «hockey stick» - is difficult to corroborate with actual instrumental or historic evidence.
The yellow shading illustrates the significant differences between the Mann and Lamb reconstructions and graphically illustrates the 1000 year long period of climate stability depicted by Dr Mann as compared to the much more variable climate researched by Lamb.
Tell you what, start offering juicy research grants for lookiing into climate stability and see how the picture changes.
Making relevant, real - time environmental risk data readily available to climate - agnostic traders and investors — both automated and human — could shift financial market sentiment against behaviour that damages climate stability.
F These rainforests and wetlands play a vital role in climate stability because they sequester carbon, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in the soils and plants.
When the Arctic sea ice melts, then the change in albedo will be so great that it could cause a radical change in the atmospheric circulation before it settles into a new regime where there is adequate cloud cover to produce climate stability.
Now, policymakers have an independent examination of the ways that the export facilities planned for the Northwest will make a difference for China's pollution and even for global climate stability.
The implications of the points above are clear: if we want to avoid transitioning to a warm Pliocene climate, including substantial sea - level rise, we need to make the transition back from the Pliocene atmosphere that we have created in the past decades, to one that favours relative climate stability.
Civilization has evolved during a period of remarkable climate stability, but this era is drawing to a close.
[ANDY REVKIN says: As I said in my talk, the main benefits of local actions on energy and related issues (transportation, sprawl) would be economic or social, with the grand challenge of climate stability requiring generations of sustained effort to accelerate the inevitable eventual shift away from traditional uses of finite fossil fuels.
draws upon science, economics, and politics to show that tropical forests are essential for climate stability and sustainable development, that now is the time for action, and that payment - for - performance finance is a course of action with great potential for success.
«Arguably, the single most important measure to ensure climate stability is reform of our energy and transport systems,» Blomqvist says.
The presence of oceans is vital for optimal climate stability and habitability, according to a new article.
To achieve climate stability and resilience, we must address injustice and inequity in our own communities and beyond.
That's why, for example, energy security will always trump climate stability as an issue, from the United States to China.
Callendar's proposition, although it flew in the face of ideas about climate stability that scientists had long taken for granted, was only provisionally set aside.
Nonetheless, the chart does a good job of demonstrating just how hard it is to get people to accept immediate sacrifices in order to protect long - term climate stability: they are not fully exposed to the risks, and they have ample opportunity to fob them off on others, so as to avoid making changes in how they live their own lives and how the political and economic systems in their states operate.
At a time of climate stability, Earth radiates as much energy to space as it absorbs from sunlight.
You value clean air, clean water, and climate stability, but you view personal change as sacrifice and deprivation.
The Amazon is largest, most biodiverse forest in the world and plays a critical role in global climate stability.
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