Sentences with phrase «climate tax»

Perhaps, in this second book, we'll also see a section on progressive climate taxes?
Climate tax ideas, in particular, need real debate.
Contact your legislators today — urge them to sign the No Climate Tax Pledge and oppose any climate change legislation that would raise taxes on hard - working Americans.
In 2010, Huelskamp signed the «No Climate Tax Pledge» — an initiative of Americans for Prosperity, a think tank founded and funded by David Koch, the petrochemical billionaire.
A climate tax on meat, milk and eggs could help reduce Europe's greenhouse gas emissions by seven per cent, according to suggestions made in a new study from Sweden.
The other major university town in Colorado, Boulder, has used a climate tax and smart meters to prod people into reducing emissions (ClimateWire, Oct. 20, 2009).
In 2013, Huelskamp was a signatory to Americans for Prosperity's «No Climate Tax» pledge.
Spokesman Niels Peter Nørring stated, «A climate tax would require a massive setup in the public sector and the food industry while the effects would be minimal,» adding that climate change can only be addressed at a global level.
The RCI, in effect, would serve as the basis of a progressive global «climate tax» — not a carbon tax, per se, but a responsibility and capacity tax.
But beyond physical risks, consider policy risks like cap and trade or a climate tax, and energy or fuel efficiency regulations, market risks such as shifting customer preferences and behaviors, and technology risks like misplaced investments or transition costs in energy sourcing or generation.
They want a «trade» for Keystone or a climate tax declaration or something about fracking, anything to fire up audiences and get clicks.
One of the great illusions of the climate movement has always been that the problem would or could be solved with a grand, sweeping gesture like a climate tax or a binding international agreement.
In 2013, Huelskamp was a signatory to Americans for Prosperity's «No Climate Tax» pledge.
Tim Huelskamp is a signatory to Americans for Prosperity's «No Climate Tax» pledge.
In 2008, the AfP started the «No Climate Tax» pledge that eventually saw more than 400 US office holders and politicians singing up to «oppose any legislation relating to climate change that includes a net increase in government revenue.»
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