Sentences with phrase «climate thing»

looks like the warmer climates thing is still legit.
With Tiff being down south, she's a bit luckier when it comes to weather, and I'm still dealing with the whole It's - not - really - always - sunny - in - Philadelphia bi-polar vortex climate thing.
In a nutshell, it does say that we can dispose of our solid waste in compost bins (although he recommends letting it sit for two years — this is probably because in the cooler Canadian climate things may not break down as fast, and also, by the author's admission, it includes a very, very wide safety margin).
Except for that sticky little climate thing.
The trouble is, given the increased marginal cost of mitigation, the economic headwinds, and beliefs by many that scientists don't have the climate thing right (per the great post of yesterday regarding Mooney's «Unscientific America») or that the Divine will simply «take care of good people» no matter, I don't see pursuit of mitigation as being something people or politicians are going to back either.
What «climate thing?
They pay pseudo-scientists, to pretend to be scientists, to put out the message: «This climate thing, it's nonsense.
It means that to a very large number of people - something just doesn't feel right about this climate thing.
A smart guy like you, who apparently thinks this climate thing is serious, shouldn't be playing a clown here.
The distinction has nothing to do with science; it's about policy (as is usually the case with these climate things).
This climate thing is getting to be a bit of a bore but we are stuck with it for some time -LSB-...]
1) a majority (perhaps a bare majority) of the public want this «climate thing» fixed — they have become tired of being scared
Climate scientists know this of course, but there is something I learned about surface temperature measurement that really surprised me when I first got into this climate thing.
I find the IPCC as reliable at dealing with climate as the Vatican at reviewing g a trities on atheism: the climate thing is wrong if it does not rely on emissions ant the atheist paper is wrong if it does not me tion the god bit.
This climate thing is low hanging fruit.
Roberts points to Jonathan Frazen's piece in the New Yorker on his desire to protect birds as Franzen's «climate thing» — and goes on to talk about the importance of each of us finding our own «climate things.»
It is necessarily approached via proxy, via a Climate Thing, whether it's renewables or nuclear energy or localism or pipelines or... birds.
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