Sentences with phrase «climate truth»

From this perspective, it doesn't matter if climate truth initially fails to reach the mushy middle.
Dauntless Purveyor of Climate Truth Award Presented to Viscount Monckton of Brenchly Sponsored by The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) Presentation by Craig Rucker
William Weaver of the group Americans for Climate Truth said in a statement «scientists have reported that thousands of species were moving away from the equator, but this sighting is proof that animals are now moving towards the equator to escape the current global cooling ``.
Vincent Gray, M.A., Ph.D. is one of the most effective critics of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) through his NZ Climate Truth Newsletter and other publications.
Early Awareness Vincent Gray, M.A., Ph.D. is one of the most effective critics of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) through his NZ Climate Truth Newsletter and other publications.
William Weaver of the group Americans for Climate Truth said in a statement «scientists have reported that thousands of species were moving away from the equator, but this -LSB-...]
I wish you would apply your attention to what drives or triggers ENSO and / or PDO because that is where climate truth resides.
Stephen Wilde (10:33:31): You wrote, «I wish you would apply your attention to what drives or triggers ENSO and / or PDO because that is where climate truth resides
NZ Climate Truth provides the following description on their home page: «Vincent is too modest, the content is global in scope and his penetrating analysis honed by years of reviewing IPCC reports is applied to issues arising in the Greenhouse / Global Warming / Climate Change debate.»
As the actual climate truths and realities are finally being reported by the world's press (Der Spiegel, The Financial Times, etc.), the UN's global warming chief alarmist continues with delusional denial.
In an era of catastrophic gradualism and lethal cowardice, Florida congressional candidate Tim Canova has taken a tremendously courageous stand for climate truth and justice in his call for a World War II - scale mobilization that eliminates net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 and restores a safe climate.
«inconvenient climate truths») into the debate.
Your courageous statements of climate truth have been greatly energizing to the nascent movement for emergency climate mobilization.
What is the climate truth for the past decade and more?
«Peer review» has long been the refuge of desperate activists — eg this classic moment starring Ed Begley Jr — who would like us to believe that only the white - labcoated gatekeepers of climate truth are in any position to pronounce publicly about global warming.
(See: CLIMATE TRUTH FILE: 2016: Skeptical Talking Points from A-Z on Global Warming — Point - By - Point)
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