Sentences with phrase «climatological mean of»

All contributions are well below the 1979 - 2007 climatological mean of 6.7 million square kilometers, and also below all values seen prior to 2007.
It is important to note for context that all 2011 estimates are well below the 1979 — 2007 September climatological mean of 6.7 million square kilometers.

Not exact matches

To obtain consistent changes over time, the main analysis is actually of anomalies (departures from the climatological mean at each site) as these are more robust to changes in data availability.
Normalised RMS error in simulation of climatological patterns of monthly precipitation, mean sea level pressure and surface air temperature.
I am also aware of how this may well mean that climatological models may well be predicting lower global warming change than in actually occuring, i.e. the warming problem is more serious than it appears.
[Response: There are a couple of issues here — first, the number of ensemble members for each model is not the same and since each additional ensemble member is not independent (they have basically the same climatological mean), you have to be very careful with estimating true degrees of freedom.
It seems pretty clear to me that the Denialists are mounting their final defense; regardless of the actual climatological meaning (being little to none) of an ice - free North Pole, the Denialists are correctly sensing that the unwashed masses are likely to come unglued in the event.
In the case of the North American ITRDB data used by MBH98, the reference means were chosen to be the 20th century calibration period climatological means.
Normalised RMS error in simulation of climatological patterns of monthly precipitation, mean sea level pressure and surface air temperature.
For example, it was determined that common values of the penetrative solar flux are about 23 W m − 2 at 30 m (the climatological mean mixed layer depth), and thus a large fraction of the climatological mean net air — sea flux of about 40 W m − 2.
The difference in the climatological mean June - July - August ocean heat content as measured by the depth of the 20 °C isotherm (in meters) overlaid with corresponding differences in ocean heat transport vectors (W / m) between two numerical climate models with slightly different bathymetries.
We may have to wait until the summer to read McKitrick's latest, but in the mean time perhaps Banks» review of Wegman could be made available, so we can assess this editor's ability to understand the relevant climatological issues.
NSIDC reported that the 2010 seasonal sea ice maximum was quite late (31 March compared to the climatological date of 26 February) and the total maximum ice extent approached the climatological mean.
If Gavin Schmidt at realclimate doesn't delete your comments outright he'll tell you that he's got no time for people with an unscientific attitude (meaning skeptics) and points you to his collection of 800 AGW papers, all building on top of each other, with Bristlecone pine tree ring data and the climatological variant of statistics as the rock - solid foundation.
It should be noted that all estimates are well below the 1979 - 2007 climatological mean value of 6.7 million square kilometers.
This assessment is based on a subset of models that most closely reproduce the climatological mean state and 1979 to 2012 trend of Arctic sea ice cover.
Although the regions largely coincide with the continents rather than climatological criteria, the annual mean temperature averaged over these regions explains 90 % of the global mean annual temperature variability in the instrumental record»
The climatological mean date for the opening of the shipping route is ~ July 25th.
(A) recent northward shifting of February sea surface isotherms (°C) in the Mediterranean Sea (broken lines are the one - century climatological means, solid lines the means for 1985 — 2006: the 14 °C and the 15 °C «dividers» are highlighted by a thicker tract.
The 15 °C isotherm, whose one - century climatological mean crosses the Straits of Sicily, may have moved northward in recent times (Figure 11a).
The process of model development involves getting the climatological mean right and trying to improve the representation of short - term variability such as ENSO and monsoon processes.
So, for example, HadCRU and GISS each provide a climatological datum of mean global temperature for a single year and present it as a difference (i.e. an anomaly) from the average mean global temperature of a 30 year period.
This means that when you compare the raw and adjusted stations, differences in elevation and other climatological factors between the 1218 stations and the 650 stations will swamp any effects of actual adjustments (e.g. those for station moves, instrument changes, etc.).
When it is warmer than the climatological average (and therefore a positive temperature anomaly) in a particular location, it is generally also warmer than average over hundreds of kilometres — corresponding to the mean synoptic weather pattern — even though the actual temperature may be quite different from location to location.
It's common knowledge among experienced professionals that, outside the English - speaking world, other countries use a great variety of methods in determining the «mean monthly temperature,» which is the customary datum used in climatological work.
The distributions of temperature and rainfall provided by ensemble simulations (typically 40 - 50 for each forecast) often do not even bound the extreme events and the ensemble mean is biased towards a climatological mean and does not capture extreme events.
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