Sentences with phrase «cling to power even»

We've seen over and over — in Venezuela, in Argentina, and in Brazil — that populists can cling to power even when the economy is doing badly because they can blame their performance on scapegoats.

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Even with the rapid devaluation in purchasing power of literally dozens of Central Banking fiat currencies worldwide in the past decade, billions of people still cling to the «It Can't Happen to Me» syndrome.
«Even after an overwhelming majority of British Columbians rejected her, Christy Clark has spent weeks putting up delays and distractions to cling to power.
The only thing that I can cling to is the power of Christ in me and even then at times I have found myself backtracking to find where I have left his presence again.
Kean is defiantly clinging onto power at Blackburn, still convinced that he is the right man to lead the club out of the relegation mire − not that avoiding the drop is his objective this season; the owners expect, demand even, European football.
The Europa league certainly fits that bill and if Arsène — who we all know will be clinging to power for another two years — fields more of a development squad in the competition — then there is even more of a link towards the approach taken in the League Cup.
You forgot to mention that the lefty Spanish government has just lost a big chunk of votes as well, even though they just about managed to cling to power.
Even those who ascend to power due to a Prime Ministerial resignation, and lose, such as Alec Douglas Home, James Callaghan, or Gordon Brown can at least cling to the fact that they obtained the highest office in the land.
The Palace, together with the Conservative and Liberal Democrat leaders, made Mr Brown believe he still had a chance of clinging to powereven though they knew he didn't — because it was feared he might resign too quickly and leave Britain without a Government.
«For O'Connor, writing about integration was a way of exposing the dangers of clinging to the fiction of power,» Als later notes, while pointing out that even for all that, she struggled to portray black people of the sorts who didn't fall within her own circles.
Even now there are countless groups, organizations, and individuals that are still clinging to carefully crafted power structure propaganda and lies of «global cooling», «global warming is a hoax», or «we can't tell if the planet is warming or cooling».
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