Sentences with word «clinginess»

As it turns out, though, children go through phases of clinginess (and, in the end, some children are just clingier than others).
In fact, one of my previous studies dealt with clinginess and depression within the context of couples - I didn't notice anyone suggesting that I was showing discrimination against couples in that study!
However, many people view clinginess as too much of a good thing.
If you see persistent signs of unhappiness — things like excessive clinginess, refusal to go to school, worry that a parent may die, pretending to be sick, being sulky and grouchy, getting into trouble in school and feeling misunderstood, difficulty sleeping or eating — consult a mental health professional for an evaluation.
Many times clinginess becomes less and less as the parent spends more one - on - one time with the child.
While these proceedings seem cordial on the surface, the surgeon's extravagant gifts (such as an expensive watch), and the boy's increasing clinginess lend the movie an air of increasing dread.
Even infants can feel the tension of divorcing parents, which can lead to irritability and clinginess starting at a very early age.
When clinginess happens — because, yes, it inevitably will — reassure your child; hold him; let him be needy.
Ultimately, then, periodic clinginess is a sign that your child trusts you — that you're doing things right.
It usually looks like clinginess, tantrums or resistance to other caregivers.
Her symptoms began improving in the classroom with her teacher reporting less clinginess and whining and improved social skills.
We even see Jamie trying to get into a real relationship and do it the «right way» (i.e., no sex until five dates in), and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her — no getting overly emotionals, not clinginess, no unreasonable demands, no inability to connect.
If you have put your child in daycare or your child is staying with a sitter frequently and you notice a regression in their behavior at all — worsening clinginess or regression in potty training, for example — do take this as a sign that it is too much for your child right now or that this childcare situation isn't right for them.
These distancing behaviors may be alternated with intense clinginess.
Instead of discouraging clinginess, focus on building up your child's confidence until she's more comfortable.
A mom needs help navigating neighborly social waters after a brushoff because of bad playdates and clinginess which was taken personally by the other parents.
First it is very important to realize that toddler clinginess is very normal and happens even when a new sibling isn't on the way.
Parents sometimes do other things to promote clinginess, too.
So what can a parent do, if anything, to curb clinginess?
But the way parents handle clinginess can have a big impact on how long it lasts and how bad it becomes.
It's clear to me now that my son's clinginess stems from our cross-country travels, during which we stayed in three different places; it may have gotten worse after returning because he was thrown back into his old routine, which suddenly seemed new again, and because, Thompson says, sometimes kids become clingy after something crazy has happened in an attempt to «emotionally refuel.»
Independence (versus clinginess) signals confidence, which is an attractive quality to possess.
She played Bridget Fonda's mousy new housemate whose clinginess turns into something far stranger, giving her the chance to portray antisocial behaviour escalating into convincing mania.
Of course, that'd be cumbersome, so maybe it's more realistic to address your pup's sudden clinginess.
Persistent clinginess or separation anxiety is a sign of codependency.
In some cases, apparent clinginess is merely a difference in attachment styles.
If you or your loved one suffers from this disorder, the behavior will be far more extreme than ordinary clinginess.
«But we see things like anxiety (often expressed as marked clinginess, extreme shyness or specific phobias), for example, emerging often in early childhood before kids get to school.
Behavioural responses can include clinginess, acting out, aggression, withdrawal, or perhaps a drive to be really well - behaved.
Camelia was paired with Abby, a child referred for clinginess, loneliness, social problems / isolation, and anxiety.
Prevent seller clinginess by laying the groundwork during your listing presentation for an efficient working relationship.
However, if you're concerned by your child's excessive clinginess, and it doesn't seem to be passing, talk to your pediatrician about it (as well as your daycare provider, school teacher or anyone else who serves as a caregiver to your child).
When we discuss their pet's behavior further, the only sign their pet exhibited for eye pain, that went unrecognized by their caregiver, was subtle increase clinginess or reclusiveness.
She has completely recovered now except for a little extra clinginess and a refusal to sleep in her own room, but I am still feeling punched in the gut by the whole experience.
And this is because the growth spurts come with clinginess and they also make the baby unsettled.
And as it turns out, periodic clinginess is very normal — in fact, it's a sign that you and your child have a healthy relationship.
Prepare for a certain amount of clinginess, because these dogs form strong bonds with their owners.
The next stage is the dumping: the male disentangles himself from the perceived «clinginess» of the female's attempt at emotional involvement.
Insecure individuals, on the other hand, tend to be unsettled in their relationships, displaying anxiety (manifesting as possessiveness, jealousy, and clinginess) or avoidance (manifesting as mistrust and a reluctance to depend on others).
But I was often overwhelmed and frustrated by his clinginess.
In preschoolers, common reactions are sleep difficulties, toileting problems, clinginess and temper tantrums; in school - age children and teens, psychosomatic physical complaints are the norm.
Know that crying, crankiness, clinginess, and more time spent nursing may not necessarily signal lower supply.
If the clinginess becomes overwhelming, rest assured that it's likely a phase (particularly if it came out of nowhere).
Clinginess can be a sign of a healthy relationship — it says that your child feels safe and comfortable with you.
Many parents have reported that after they have learned to respond to their child in the caring but firm way that Gentle Sleep Coaching promotes, their child shows less «clinginess» or «anxious» interactions.
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