Sentences with phrase «clinical improvement»

After 6 months, both groups made clinical improvement in pain levels and functionality, regardless of what was on their feet.
Clinical improvement of signs associated with systemic illness and pain is expected in the first week of antibiotic therapy.
Studies have shown that with weight loss of less than five percent there were not only significantly measurable biochemical improvements but very obvious clinical improvements as well.
More than one third of participants indicated clinical improvements in these measures.
Our products are the highest grade and harvested and the optimal time for maximum clinical improvement.
Clinical improvement after a period of time on a gluten - free diet is actually part of the diagnosis.
Reducing glucose metabolism via ketogenic diets has demonstrated clinical improvements regarding metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance.
It may take more than one treatment to start visibly seeing results (there could have been some improvement, but did not result in visible clinical improvement.).
This usually results in rapid clinical improvement within 15 min.
Developed clinical improvements and processes associated with patient documentation, billing, and appointments.
Clients who are not displaying clinical improvement on the assessment measures, or whose symptoms are increasing, may require modified working hypotheses and / or clinical interventions.
In this recent study, adding evening primrose oil with a fish oil decreased inflammation and resulted in significant clinical improvement with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
At this stage, the aims of the trials would be modest, seeking only to assess whether the treatments have a measurable effect, rather than expecting dramatic clinical improvement of the patients» condition.
Assessment conducted pre - and post-intervention and at twelve to eighteen months follow - up indicated clinical improvement for all three active intervention conditions compared to the waiting list control condition.
After one week on trial, 47 % of the dogs receiving Clomicalm Tablets once or twice (divided dose) daily in conjunction with behavioral modification showed clinical improvement compared to improvement in 29 % of the dogs receiving behavioral modification alone.
Our pilot case series [4] suggested that B - cell depletion was associated with clinical improvement in CFS patients.
Overall, VCO appears to be an emerging treatment for AD due to its safety and ability to both combat the suggested pathogenesis of AD and provide clinical improvement.
While every animal is different, MediVet says they've seen positive clinical improvements in 95 percent of the arthritic cases performed nationwide.
Although a systematic review8 suggested that the prognosis is better in children than adults, with the majority making clinical improvements at two years, this is far from satisfactory given the impact on educational, physical, and social development.
Despite expectations of a rapid breakthrough, no cystic fibrosis gene therapy trial so far has been able to show long - term clinical improvement.
«I would say that most of our cats, if I have to give a number 60 to 70 percent have responded favorably to the treatment either by complete resolution or substantial clinical improvement without complete resolution at six months.»
After transfer of gene, the patients showed a significant clinical improvement due to the reexpression of the protein WASp in the cells of the immune system.
«His extensive experience and leadership in developing and implementing innovative clinical improvements and programs will significantly contribute to Joslin's ongoing efforts to address and impact the global diabetes epidemic.»
«Glioblastoma has been treated as one type of cancer for more than 20 years with very little clinical improvement,» said Davis.
Investigators report that the six - month study of nilotinib, a treatment for chronic myelogenous leukemia or CML, produced benefit for all study patients who completed the trial (11 of 12), with 11 patients reporting meaningful clinical improvements.
Moreover, they stated that the long - term non-invasive neuro - modulatory tDCS outcome clinical improvement in this challenging population remains to be shown.
Many topical and oral treatments can be useful in addition to dietary or environmental modifications: vitamin E topically has shown consistent clinical improvement as a place to start!
However, lack of response does not rule it out, since prolonged treatment may be required in some dogs before clinical improvement is manifest.
When clinical improvement is marginal or signs of thyrotoxicosis are seen, the clinical observations can be supported by therapeutic monitoring of serum thyroid hormone concentrations («post-pill testing»).
Performs clinical auditing and data abstraction of patient records in support of Sentara hospitals clinical improvement and patient...
Pascal Metrics provides patient safety and clinical improvement services to healthcare clients.
Review: risperidone produces more clinical improvement and causes fewer extrapyramidal side effects in schizophrenia
Eighteen subjects achieved 50 % improvement in psychotic symptoms in both severity and number of symptoms, taken as representing an important clinical improvement.
Significantly more schema therapy patients fully recovered (46 percent versus 26 percent) or showed reliable clinical improvement (66 percent versus 33 percent) on the Borderline Personality Disorder Severity Index than patients receiving transference - focused therapy.
All 23 patients who followed the diet had a «dramatic clinical improvement in symptoms,» and most saw complete or partial healing of their intestinal villi.
Clinical improvement of signs associated with systemic illness and pain is expected in the first week of antibiotic therapy.3 It is important that patients return for follow - up neurologic exams and radiography every 1 to 2 months to monitor for disease progression and to help direct therapy.
«I told them the results had been encouraging» — MediVet reports seeing positive clinical improvement in 95 percent of arthritic cases nationwide — «but not all cases will see improvement.
Compared with the TAU group, the IPT - A group showed significantly fewer clinician - reported depression symptoms on the HAMD and BDI, significantly better functioning on the C - GAS, significantly better overall social functioning on the SAS - SR, and significantly greater clinical improvement and significantly greater decrease in clinical severity on the CGI scale.
As in the earlier study6 a considerable number of patients showed a reduction in their positive symptoms of 50 % or more, which is a considerable clinical improvement, and analysis indicated that receiving cognitive behaviour therapy increased the probability of this reduction by nearly eight times.
Changes in the neural bases of emotion regulation associated with clinical improvement in children with behavior problems
A study of children with atopic dermatitis treated with Lactobacillus paracasei showed clinical improvement in the children's dermatitis.
Documented alterations in immune and antioxidant parameters in dogs and cats (Hayek et al., 2000; Kearns et al., 2000; Massimino et al., 2003) as well as clinical improvement in cognitive function in dogs through supplementation has been reported (Head, 2007).
Clinicians from the Bambino Gesu paediatric hospital's neurosciences department said tests in mice and patients with a similar, but not the same, genetic condition as Charlie had shown «dramatic clinical improvements».
The result is a genomically defined subset of patients with a clear likelihood of clinical improvement.
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